
Up Foundation Story Save our Souls M-Enemy Balance
by Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier, Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich, Global Identity, Positionierung

The Enemy of personally-relevant Life-Fulfillment

The Mountain of the SWISS zeitgeist artificial

National Fond has born a "Mental-Gene-Mouse" by announcing its support with 16 Mio. SFr. of tax money for a project pretending to lock for the lost key to implement the substantial Swiss Constitution, which is its legally stated job. But actually, the following project locks for solutions where there are none, have never been, and in principle can never be; in the insubstantial intellectual realm of "The Evolution of Language"! This is just like when Kari Dällenbach, a hairdresser with a sabotaged love affair, a tragic Bernese town original, locked for his lost house key, when drunk, five to midnight, under a street lamp, rather than in the dark where he had really lost it!

Such people only read plain text, and will never read the following, let alone understand anything that is intended to be expressed, because the wordy language does not evolve towards supporting a better mutual understanding of real human systems and real people relating to each other, towards synergy:

In organized science, 81 years after the Crystal Night Nov. 10, 1938, the onset of the Holocaust, the Swiss intellectual elite watches each other cultivating and discussing the disruption of the remaining national and individual substance. Globally that includes having made half the animal life forms on Earth extinct. In our time, real individuals are systemically demeaned by various humanist's hypes as "humans", accidental evolutionary products of a BIG BANG in a cold universe. That goes along with the presently increasing intellectual based artificial intelligence competence, which disrupts trusting each other. A recent international survey shows an increasing awareness among still real human beings, that actually nobody is really willing to or capable of understanding each other and themselves. Organized science is systemically inhibiting substantial understanding with its 3 taboos; beware I am going to systematically violate them all here.

I am going to outline this by drilling deeper into the now officially supported "Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution" proposal by a multidisciplinary group to the Swiss National Science Fond. Other than in the following public appeal to the Swiss science elite, there is so far nobody daring to point out its subtle unscientific nature contrary to the Swiss Constitution! As Pope Benedict's Exorcist said, 'the Devil lives in the Vatican', it is time to realize that the evil of the time (against which the Swiss Confederation was founded in 1291) has landed in front of the Federal Parliament House in Bern - now with the decree to follow-up Professors like Noam Chomsky, and Steven Pinker [YouTube], to seek the solutions to deal with people by the manipulation of zeitgeist which drives the evolution of language. Meanwhile, the Swiss sovereign, the taxpayers, are entertained by their elite arguing about the relationship of Switzerland to the European Union to cover up the occupation of their minds by the zeitgeist, the ultimate Evil Empire.

Dear Science Managers, responsible Politicians, and all others Concerned

Marc Lehrman introduced the intellectual topic of the vehicle of the evolution of language to the public concerned with paying for it on the Swiss Radio SRF1, Dec. 17, 2019, together with the responsible Prof. Katharina Fromm from the renowned Swiss Science Council. Sonja Hasler from the official Swiss SRF-radio suggests with Swiss motherly ?0-illusions, that I have missed hearing of politicians who are capable of understanding of and learning from each other, and then cheerfully wished me all the best to get rid of me, and so as not to have to deal with any solution-oriented content. For her, the media & Co. there is no problem with unresolved problems in their subsidized ivory towers; they "live" of them with no need to be part of the solution.

1) Based on the "Fact sheets excerpts" of the proposals' context,
    beyond the introduction of the concerned mutual admiration society
    which the link is about
(I inject my clarifications of the underlying meaning and intention of this Swiss National, in fact, the zeitgeist's project, from the basic point of view of Applied Personal Science):

The ability to use
(personally-neutral denotations of intellectually worded hyped)
language to express oneself
(about which personally-neutral science of the so-called "humanities" can by principle, in itself, only be insubstantially ignorant of the substance of real human beings)
and to communicate sets humans
("human" is a mere philosophical abstract which I do not identify with because it does not do justice to any real human being's X-essence of life- through task-fulfillment - in short, that "research" project actually excludes me from "humanity" as the Nazi did it with the Jews, the Swiss intellectual elite actually decreed in 1991 that "700-year Switzerland is enough")
apart from all other species
(in the sense that such merely intellectually minded "humans" can disrupt their own denied substantial existence to the point they have evoked the Age of Disruption beginning Nov. 24. 2016).
To date, there is still much we do not know about the evolutionary origins of language, the biological prerequisites, and their development
(by definition, there cannot be anything to be understood about any "evolution", the mere abstract which allows insisting on a mere trial and error basis like journalism or Facebook notes to get clicks, without any reference to any superior order - such as in physics, the laws of nature, and since "written language" was misused to convince people to misuse each other as "humans", sustained by suppressing Applied Personal Science with its innate open-ended generativ principles by which people of goodwill, can do justice to the substance of each other's life fulfillment – first by understanding with graceful emotion, beyond gracelessly suppressing the guilt that goes along with generalization, which makes "humans" becoming dependent on sins to be forgiven, then under OPTION I to be objectified for manipulation, by the insubstantial intellect).
At the same time, language is undergoing profound changes in the light of technological advances and digital transformation
(let alone by the predominant OPTION I rat-race for mass-attractivity now enhanced with neuro-linguistic manipulation).
This has social, psychological and evolutionary
(mostly disruptive)
consequences that are still barely understood

(as if the purpose of any evolution focussed "science" was any kind of understanding when it is merely evoking a platform for insubstantial zeitgeist discussions leading to the disruptions of any really substantial understanding – the prototype of which was established in the Collegium Helveticum at the ETH Zürich to intellectually formatting its elite's minds, among others, obviously that of the former ETH President Prof. Lino Guzzella with the hype of seeing himself as part of a meritocratic elite, proclaimed on the Swiss National Day 2015: "The meaning of life is a chemical-physical process" – with this underlying category error, he is disrupting any need to listen to any OPTION II – thus part of the problem of banning con-science from any meaning in Swiss science. Later on, his career ended in a case of mobbing - with non-sequiturs…).
New digital possibilities, ubiquitous online knowledge databases, and developments in the field of artificial intelligence are changing the way in which language
(as a topic, an end in itself, rather than what language should be about, a means to the end of Life- through Task-Fulfillment)
is used and learned, and how it will develop in the future.
(this proposal for making the future zeitgeist popular, is based on the insubstantial intellectual tools in their permanently self-destructive evolution contrary to the Preamble of the Swiss Constitution; the demeaning of which is now to be subsidized by the Swiss taxpayers! This graceless suppression was the case for the Jews before their EXODUS, the Swiss population under the Romans, before 1291 under the "Holy German Empire" run by the Habsburgs (actually come from Aargau in Switzerland), 1798 -1812 under Napoleon's Empire, and for the Jews most of the time after King Solomon, the intellectually glorified wizard, actually the curse of Israel, up to the Holocaust in Hitler's 3rd Reich using the 2nd World War for climax of intellectual evilness after the Catholic Churchs' Inquisition, the prime role model up to Nov. 24, 2016, to manipulate the evolution of language to demean real human beings, to divide to rule them intellectually, according to the Beelzebub strategy with the "humanities" as actually the science of making humans to be ruled by their worst enemy, "humans")

2) The Mission Statement of the NCCR_ISLE Champions

(clarifies the actual zeitgeist's intention as did Hitler's "Mein Kampf" 1925 in getting people prepared for World War II. Actually, Switzerland's intellectual elite joined World War II in 1991 and paved the path with their march through the institutions and have meanwhile achieved the occupation of most Swiss minds by the zeitgeist under the radar of the manipulated public awareness, as Quisling had managed to pave the path for the easy occupation of Norway by the Nazis with his intellectual tinkering with the evolution of language. Gone is the English socialist's utopia, perverted in Soviet Evil Empire, with its the brutal mastery of misusing language, followed up by now, with the high tech version that followed Mao's red book brutality and the Silicon Valley virtual reality movement the weak-spirited Swiss elite tries to catch with, in order to improve their international ranking)

It is the mission of the newly established Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution (ISLE) to develop and test hypotheses to understand both the transition
(supposedly in evoking evolving discussions which usually end in demeaning any insights, such as for instance from the authors of pointing to the substance of the Bible with its red substantial thread, which is often merely intellectualized by theo-logy, to philosophically embed reformers of the church, if necessary for the zeitgeist's rule's sake, luring them into lies (Jan Hus) or even putting them on the stake. Meanwhile, Zürich’s reformed church elite is intellectually united in just allowing "God" as a strong literary figure, e.g. as their intellectual "Gen-Mouse" creation in their insubstantial, intellectually framed minds. By contrast to the Catholic Church, which has usurped the right to represent God on Earth. In this way, what really matters, "Creator-Creation-Creation" is no longer a topic for science to be understood. This way both the catholic like the reformed church, in their post-modern attempt to reset the zeitgeist after their bloody wars, have given themselves every intellectual reason to throw out the baby - the meaning of individual life within the H2-superior order - with the bathwater, the intellectual zeitgeist spin. That means following Eve's fall for the snake's OPTION I intellectual fruits of "command-control-communicate" to rot in the rat-race for mass-attractivity. That demeans Jesus, who put the Devil's three temptations in its place, hell, by introducing the OPTION II with the B3-path which in B4-truth leads to one's personally relevant B5-life's fulfillment! There are nouns/verbs pointing to some existence beyond the zeitgeist; pre-trans-trapping them with denotations, adjectives/adverbs, is an invitation to the intellectual snake to evoke graceless emotions which disrupt the meaning of the substance they point to!
Intellectuals even pride themselves on being impotent to even understand themselves with their philosophically TRAPPED thinking-catastrophes with their PRE-cultivated category errors, and they blame people to fall in subjectivity without them! But they just rhetorically displace cornerstones of understanding human systems intellectually, rather than considering them in their conscience they trained themselves to displace from their minds. Then they cannot but demean any personally relevant science, in fear of anybody TRANScending their thinking catastrophes. This made King Herod the Great order all the newborn babies at the time of Jesus's birth killed. Such soulless intellectual minds would rather pre-trans-trap people’s minds to make them fit their OPTION I for an easy divide to rule. And so the uproot any concepts that could do justice to who any real human being, above themselves, truly is. In this way, the intellectual elite can go on cultivating their non-sequiturs at the cost of those concerned of the human catastrophes thus evoked. This is the ultimate black art of which the first Director of the Collegium Helveticum, the honorable Prof. Adolf Muschg prided himself.)
from animal communication
(which, in higher animals is far more empathic than in the intellectually misleading humanities' framed minds, where man+woman become their own worst enemy)
systems to human language and the dynamics of language change. ISLE’s members come from a great variety
(of formally closed fields: the 3 taboos of science, discredit telling stories about real insights, and using open-ended generative metaphors to do justice to relationship truth, which on one's path lead to life with justified truth - intellectually pre-trans-trapped as "subjective ego"):
of fields: Anthropology, Behavioral Biology, Cognitive Biology, Comparative Linguistics, Computer Science, Developmental Psychology, Evolutionary Biology, Geography, Mathematics, Phonetics, Neuroinformatics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Psycholinguistics, and Statistics. We aim to bring (intellectuals, the new, to be peer-reviewed, latest updated zeitgeist OPTION I templates)
the full force of each discipline, its theories and methods, to bear on fundamental

(ignoring the real H2-superior order, putting
insubstantial art before substantial science contrary to the Swiss Constitution in Art. 20 and 21)

questions relating to the phylogeny, ontogeny, mechanisms and dynamics, cultural evolution and variability of language and animal communication. One of our first tasks will be to identify the key questions and develop shared concepts
(for further cementing of the cult of mass-attractive wording in the ivory towers of organized science under its evolutionary permanently self-destructive OPTION I).

3) Insubstantial Promises based on the "Fact sheets excerpts"
(by the mutual admiration societies involved)

Researchers are focusing on three issues: firstly, the dynamics of language structures and their evolution
(which is ever-increasingly self-destructive the more it is globally amplified and spread);
then the biological prerequisites for language
(studied with insubstantial Lego-mentalities of pretending the meaning of the whole can be deduced from the physical-chemical processes of its fragmented, as such dead parts' wordy descriptions),
including the related question of whether and how neurotechnologies
(still grounded in perverting Freudian and Jungian psycho-logy)
could or should be used to influence language capabilities
(as artificial intelligence with the already stated attempt to replace bio-logical, soul-based life of experiencing conscience to ultimately inhibit its relevant science);
and lastly, the social meaning of language
(dived to rule people as "humans", i.e. flying carpets in the zeitgeist based on the intellectuals' collective definition power which has replaced the Pope as God’s representative on Earth for even greater misuse of Creation and Creatures)
and how it is likely
(to go on to frame OPTION I business as usual)
to change with new means of
(substance-disruptive mass)
(more and more based on insubstantial buy-logy to manipulate people's consumer mentality now increasingly based on artificially intelligent analysis of BIG DATA - which makes YOU real human beings at best in itself insignificant representatives of biometrical target groups following the media demo-crazy politics).

The NCCR promises
(and gets 16 Million Francs taken from Swiss taxpayers without any sound basis or service to real human beings’ understanding of their lifefulfillment – let me know where I am wrong about this!)
innovations and transfer services in medical fields (e.g. diagnosis and treatment of speech disorders
(physical ones, tagged with sicknesses created by psychiatry to cope with resistance to going along with imposing intellectual %1-politically correct disorders)
and in the application of digital instruments human-machine communication, artificial intelligence, complex voice recognition.
(to build the GlobalMATRIX to harvest "humans" mentally, as humanity does with all Creatures and by ever faster cannibalizing all Creation within its grasp – organized by intellectual language and via comforting each other about the consequences keeping people peaceful even when its thinking catastrophes which evoke human catastrophes. That is what the intellect works for when it is applied to human systems! More than half the life forms have already been made extinct in our time, and more people are more mentally disrupted than ever to trying to make them fit the actual Age of Disruption).

PS. I know I am insulting the 8 dark inner evil voices; above all
- the ZG-zeitgeist which fathers the other seven, mothered with
- ?0-illusions. 'Princes' who
- *3-ego survives human catastrophes in their ivory towers,
   still make money
- for +2 more of the same and the otherwise lost sons,
  who can successfully
- %5
the 'Princesses' who manage
- %1-politically correct values and those who
- %6-project themselves as entertaining stupidity amplifiers,

all united
in mobbing 'Cinderellas', culturally, Jews-Isreale, and anybody

- -4 frustrating about being ignored by the zeitgeist even for TRANS-substantially constructive even more then for PRE-insubstantially disruptive critique of the mutual disruption TRAPS of ZG-?0 *3-%1, +2(%5-%6)!

Thus, intellectually non-understood, everyone has become a nuisance under OPTION I to everyone else. Its wardens denounce those who fail in compliance as belonging on the stake of disruption, through ignorance, misinterpretation, alienation, mobbing, liquidation - all of which fuels OPTION I - the media to brand those who stick their necks out as scapegoats for the stumbling blocks of the intended intellectual evolution, and so everything is then interpreted as unavoidable "human destiny" to explain nothing at all to avoid any challenge to the intellectual systemic. In short, the disruptive motor of the evolution of language, historically evident, is in the service of mentally shredding substance, just as male chicks are shredded physically after birth for animal food. Though that practice has recently been forbidden in Switzerland, it has nevertheless become %1-politically correct to undermine even the Swiss' country's substance in the name of the zeitgeist subsidized by tax money and also it undermining by this most foreign judge, against which the 3 Confederates united 1291 to establish the Swiss 6Bw-substance. In 1991 the Swiss intellectuals declared war on the Swiss substance with: "700-years of Switzerland is enough"! Now they get more and more positions and tax money in a silent take-over to ultimately disrupt the Swiss substance for Switzerland’s reintegration into the zeitgeist INTER-National-socialist EMPIRE – out of the former HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE OF GERMAN NATIONS the 3 original confederate Swiss Cantons have stepped out 1291. Still called "Switzerland", my home country is denounced by intellectuals as a mere European area which once defended arbitrary borders – so a socialist politician! This mental "Arian" Mediocracy "elite" pleads that one should get rid of any existential immune system, i.e. allowing mental AIDS and make one's mental skin to maintain one's X-essential existence permeable for mental bugs and viruses. In short, you should open your mind to become a consuming construct from the intellectual zeitgeist spin, to become equally zombie-like, so such constructs are not alone. That is why your X-substance requires to get shred, to be easily dissolved in the great common zeitgeist empire, as they have already done it with the science to understand OPTION II in their organized sciences under OPTION I!

Nevertheless, don't get depressed by the reality of human history, which has so far predominantly been driven by the manipulated evolution of intellectual language! It began with impressive stony edifices, ordered by great words from convincing rulers. This made ordinary people trying to survive them among others by migration all over the Earth. Archeology is now trying to reconstruct it all from dug up physical fragments, deciphered content in scripture and those in still living people's DNA. Yet, so far the results are without any furthering of any personally relevant understanding of the meaning of real individual's lives, and still investing in more manpower and brains into pretending to lock for solutions, where they cannot be as outlined above! This insubstantial 'humanist' approach is in fact, the most inhuman approach, it cannot but result in self-destruction based on irresponsibly mad allowing the zeitgeist to scale M-applying manipulation and O-considering the relevant orientation in arrogant ignorance of M/O-STRESS<DEATH!

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Gretchenfrage, Hinweis, für DichAnfragen:

My work ultimately aims at universities and media to get reframed by still real people beyond the zeitgeist from Courts of intellectual idolatry to LifeFulfilling Platforms; the sheople they mentally condition, to real human beings aware of their OPTION II: Lebenserfüllung