
Up Foundation Story Save our Souls M-Enemy Balance
by Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier, Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich, Global Identity, Positionierung


Work/Life or M/O Balance with OPTION I or II?

I have become aware in the GlobalFamily in January 2019, that with my 2D-emotion, I point out what gives rise to -4 stress in the world, in order to overcome it as does the 2D-womb to move the fetus out of the 1D-wombs's contractions. When the 1S-prince has become aware of the dragon harassing his followers, he needs to face his way! And so I push the prince to get out of the former Mo-womb in which he so far has wished to remain as if it were his palace. However, in real life, the prince needs to slay the dragon with his bare 3S-resources to restore the 3D-womb for the born, real humans, i.e. his followers, to give them hope for the succession in the real world. The 3D-womb we all need in the world is the meaning of the timely relationship of truthful, functional spirits F1-9.

To face such a Cinderella's doing, for the intellectual mere "dirty" work of pushing the X-being away from -4 frustration, in the right direction, is least popular for people; they would rather cover up their part of the -4 frustrating problems with a fig leaf! Sad to say but typically; after my first wife's 9 month pregnancy, the happiest time of our 7 year marriage when we both prepared to do our best for the birth, the following happened. After I gave my very best fully substantial myself like never before open for joyful synergy in being supportive in the relatively easy but of course painful birth process for the mother of our daughter in 1972, I announced our daughter (with a 3D-emotion as it turned out later) to be a girl, on the top of my fatherly spirit. However, her mother freaked out with her 3D-emotion's 1D-tension-guilt, cursing me in her 3S-angry top dog attempt to re-establish herself to get on top of everyone again. At that time, not yet understanding about freaking emotions, that hit my soul literally like a knife with soaring pain for several days, even if we soon became very happy about our healthy daughter. That was the beginning of the M/O disruption of our possible Mh-emotional synchronization, which 4 years later led to a graceless divorce. Then I confronted her with either loving understanding or continuing power games. In fact, she had already made up her mind to follow her preference for a golden cage for manipulation. She got that later on from a rich old man, and our daughter went along with her - to amplify our stupidity, getting stuck to blaming it on me. That made me born again to get free for following my call to work out the orientation from the relationship truths with Applied Personal Science. That meant carrying the cross of the ZG's curse of any such personally relevant O-orientation as the greatest threat to its organized knowledge work of branding fig leaves from the tree of knowledge in favor of its M-manipulative disruption of all substance!

This is how I, with 9Pp/2D, can emotionally synchronize
as an example for considering how you can do it, and relevant for our
relationship, with your, out of the possible 8 emotional cycles;
beyond the 8 dark inner evil voices (?0...%5), e.g. with a 1S
beyond his *3-ego and my -4 frustration about it,
synchronizing our common challenge of b-balancing qualified
as outlined below:

?0/yc ZG/Jt  %1/Ip *3/bf  -4/aX +2/vR  %6/S!   %5Mh

and this is the way to emo-sync with a 1S:
     IW      S!         yc      aX       bf       Mh        Jd        vR
    Mo    Fa     1D       1S     2D     2S       3D       3S  

Emotional synchronization is happening when walking sufficiently O-orientated by the relevant two out of the 8 pairs (Jt yc bf Ip vR aX Mh S!) of the 16 states of being, in the respective emotional shoes of the partner.

This allows for the onset of a mental birth process towards mutual synergy beyond the temptation to freak out in anger over misunderstandings and emotional power games. That is indicated above as it has led to painfully losing my first family in a failed 2D-approach. At that time still ignorant of what graceless emotions can evoke, YOU get the orientation to understand similar experiences of yours here on a silver tablet. Hopefully, this is the beginning of breaking the millennium-old distressing human destiny of ignoring thinking catastrophes beyond the point of NO return!

Like everything in life, even synergy requires labor; with a similar effort like discussing with its usually disrupting outcomes in distress. The former requires emotional awareness to open up for emo-sync as taught here, the latter the freedom of ignorance about emotionally ruthless one-track mindedness. There is no desirable effortless way for an easy balance! Sublimating experiencing the need for it, in the short-term by selling one's soul for a brand, cannot avoid long-term distress...


Those who still experience the -4 frustration of useless
M-manipulation work
with its 8 stumbling blocks of the
8die-voices of ZG-?0, *3, +2/-4, %1-5-6),

- get tempted to ignore the required labor to overcome the consequences of giving meaning to the 8die-voices' before the point of NO graceful return. With the zeitgeist's preference of rather, M-manipulating the 8 dark inner evil voices, those affected by them ignore what the O-orientation towards synergy could mean in their life and rather arrogantly give in to their distressing self-destructive destiny as perpetrator or victim by using the respective emotional power gracelessly, i.e. by defending the insisting A-anger by the 8die-voices' rhetoric's up to bloody revenge and beyond.

- Those who numb themselves from experiencing the consequences of being honest, hold back and at first lead a boring life. Then sooner or later they get tempted to search for the sublimation in a socializing collective, which via addictions of all kinds ends up in collective distress.

- Those who can afford to let others bear the stress of their anger can profit from controlling a target group with its threat to work for them to that end, convinced by the seemingly easy insubstantial ghost path of their master at the price the latter losing his or her soul to experience the injustice and the difference between stumbling blocks and cornerstones. Such perpetrators too often get seemingly away with blue murder and are envied by their followers for their mass-attractivity. The former thus gain the power to profitably mislead bored people formally to join into buying in and/or working for insubstantially branded target groups,

- which at the height of all concerned incompetence, become self-destructive by the distress evoked by the dynamic of their soulless groupies addicted to more and more adrenalin kicks of dividing to rule, getting Golden Calves glorified, following ideologies by which the victims, such as in World War I, march into the trenches with trumpets and fanfares, made to think, that dying in, for the mass, is easier and so on...

In short, there is NO life without some kind of effort!
Based on relationship truths there are two possible outcomes;
- fulfilling OPTION II synergy < heavens, or in disrespect,
- unfulfilled death by OPTION I's disrupting distress < hell!

Here are my 2D-options for the onset of fulfilling relationships, specifically based on my X=9Pp (the one out of 144 possible principles of lifefulfillment), emotionally one of the possible 36 oegp for i-input and s-internal states of a 2nd Daughter in relating to people with the emotional cycle of the other family members (Fa-3D):

- Fathers (ZG/Jt) (in Italy I kissed my first girlfriend - from England, hitch-hiking to Venice-Rome in 1960 - on the old road when the ZG was still attractive): Now Fathers come to me when they are -4 frustrated by the ZG-zeitgeist undermining their authority. J-justifying my attempt to help them L3-reframe with my 8Bp-determination#20, intellectually as a palace#2priest#0 I come the Fa-way in view of what is >5 good for all. In this required my Fa-emotion of my t-thinking by 3Bw-giving meaning#12 as a people#1master#2 about what is >6 very good about the H2-superior substantial OPTION II order, I can point to the father of all fathers, the Creator. However, that means no compromise, with or without worldly emotional Fa-authorities, to demean the pretended fatherly ZG-zeitgeist such as in pseudo-science, -politics, and -religion. With this onset of p-preparing the F8-necessary B-boundary conditions for my existence to w-work them out F3-tangibly with my t-thinking, I stand up making my point relevant for emo-sync with Fathers to provide them with the inner OPTION II alternative to the outer OPTION I tradition when it needs reframing; now urgently, in the Age of Disruption, where the tradition you have been raised in, has already died on Nov. 24, 2016.

NOW YOU FATHERS with an attitude ranging from that of King Herod via that of Gorbatchev to the Father in Heaven, tell me the value you attribute to OPTION II in your kingly realm and its traditional boundary conditions for knowledge work! Established science and politics are abhorred by such a challenge, and most religions prefer to be left alone, to say the least - and YOU, what is your answer as to your fatherly emotion?

The aim of the GlobalFamily is that all its member can practice their specific family relationships beyond the 8x8 general emotional matrix we start practicing emo-sync with,

- first by practicing with 2D-me, then

- with aX to self in the (pw-wp, me, em) "meditation" (me in my X-being existence awareness of preparing to test for relevant acceptance and fulfillment, until my a-intuition makes me a-work out what the time has come for to do - here my 40 year of R&D science#3 preparing Applied Personal Science to be applied in the GlobalFamily) then

- also aX-to the same emotional family members up to the

- qualification to do this in all relationships, first within the GlobalFamily, then

- in one's target group, then say

- writing papers, in view of role models to be addressed, such as one's country's mentality, or even focusing on somebody like the US-president;

all available upon request with relevant parameters.

Here are the social aspects of my 9Pp specific relationship truths:
in the realm of the Fa, beginning with the emotional
- Mothers (?0/yc), they come to me when they are -4 frustrated about the ?0-illusions which they can no longer control after having opened Pandora's box of dealing with people as their children: Sharing the y-necessities (in Switzerland and with my wife Diane) evokes my Mo-emotion to deal with the §2-urgent purposes. Otherwise, the people#1-workers#1 remain Bm-aimless in view of the otherwise missing science on their road in view of then >1 very bad outcomes whit lacking c-profiling §3-integrity. Since this is inferior in regards to the traditional ?0-illusions of palace#2mastery#2, the m-multiplication towards the necessary B-boundary conditions in view of what is alone >6 very good, the inner e-established relevant OPTION II of those concerned, asks for the traditionally missing science#3 to be applied in personally relevant ways! But then comes the temptation for my work/life balance, above all from traditional Mothers in caring for her children, to divide them to be able to rule them within the fatherly tradition of the ZG-zeitgeist, concerned about my social incompatible part of

- the ZG-zeitgeist's ?0-illusionary discussions and indulging in its entertainment value

- of "humanity" with the 8 dark inner evil voices (ZG-?0, *3, +2/-4, %1-5-6)


- 1st Sons (*3/bf) come to me when they are -4 frustrated about their *3-ego-survival failure seeking my L1-lovingly engaged 6Om-ruthlessnessly#22 b-balancing the relevant O-objectives to F6-control what is otherwise >3 unsatisfactory about the palace#2mastery#2 of people#1workers#1, for example to 4Oe-1D Melissa. With my f-feeling (which corresponds to Melissa's X-being) longing to see the manifestation of my B1-belief's support of substantial >4 peace, I begin with emotional synchronization to deal with cornerstones and stumbling blocks (optimized in Canada, in MD-Sterling's amazing Heart Lodge in Calgary), beyond the OPTION I's *3-survival power games. This requires the odd dragon to be slain in the 1S' T-tension to maintain the grace to not get stuck in the graceless black knight's A-anger, unable to cope with the G-guilt of being part of humanity approaching the point of NO return, bewitched by the spin to go a step further - which not just Melissa and I have experienced painfully. Please become aware of how specifically precise Applied Personal Science can be to reflect the H2-superior order of individual lifefulfillment and mutual interactions! This gives rise to justified H1-hopes for L3-reframing failed OPTION I science beyond the traditional 1S-emotional hope for succession with business as so far usual!

- 1st Daughters (%1/Ip) come to me when they are -4 frustrated about the %1-political correctness, where it does not agree with their values: Standing up with my X-self-7Cw-centered#10 people#1priest#0's I-concepts (in the USA in LA's Hilton convention center where the topic was the zeitgeist branding) for the B4-truth about the grace possible in the 1D-emotional cycle among >3 dissatisfied people helping them to p-perceive their truth on their B3-path along their next >6 very good cornerstone. Let us stick out our head beyond the %1-politically correct OPTION I for growing in the F7-influence on the meaning of our substantial p-perception when we need to Cp-prepare our communication as palace#2prophets#3; showing civil courage when people still default to the actually already dead, business, as usual, the meaning of which collapsed on Nov. 24, 2016. Actually, Trump's election put the intellectual elite into such a shock, that no phoenix can resurrect any more from out of its ashes. The GlobalFamily is not leaving its members at the increasingly faster self-destructive dynamic of the increasing more artificially organized branches of its evolutionary trees of knowledge. It has thrived from their monocultures dominated by the declining 1D USA-mentality, prepared to cut its feet to fit Cinderella's shoes, to impress the Prince and thus let the zeitgeist get rid of Cinderella's OPTION II. In short, it is time to recognize the substantial purpose of the Mo-1D-2D-3D wombs, i.e. support systems for YOU as an individual, up to humanity, to get OPTION II born to O-consider (Mo-1D-2D) and fulfill (3D) by balancing M / O in the eustress.

This is also a wake-up call for the future B345-O-business right up to the top of the US-business and western democracies trapped in the US-zeitgeist led MATRIX so they can resume the lead now for a truly desirable future. And that, before the point of NO return from the seemingly unstoppable China & Co. rule of the world by fear with intellectual 2.0, i.e. artificial intelligence, beyond its singularity, to make OPTION II extinct. In some areas of China where the bees are already extinct, they need man-made pollination, a motive to replacing such bio-logical needs with robots, and turning humans into remotely controllable cyborgs for easy watching them by Big Brother, i.e. already in China by the fearful Fa-Xi Jinping. He was traumatized by Mao's cultural revolution. Now he is attempting to control it all to prevent himself and China to never ever become victims again. Yet he is ignorant, that China and himself are already victims of his insubstantial fear. In short, it is time to learn the OPTION II lesson from OPTION I leaders who failed in the ruling by fear; above all from 1D-Adolf Hitler's prototype for self-destructive humanity!

For your reference to the following interpretations of the relevant parameter:






- 2S (+2/vR) come to me when they are -4 frustrated about lacking +2 success by doing more of the same: Working out +2 more of the same 2S-emotion with my F5-entrepreneurial 5Ow-Caring#22 v-value of the H1-hopeful personally beyond >3 unsatisfactory values (such as among the top story-telling marketers for customer acquisition in Düsseldorf Germany), I rely on my 5Op-dependence#11 for the H3-realistic R-(re)solutions for coping with the >3 unsatisfactory human relationships under OPTION I's (ZG-?0, *3, +2/-4, %1-5-6) M-manipulations. Germany above all should have learned the 2S lesson from the past! However, the awareness has withered away under Angela Merkel's palace#2mastery#2 power games. Her politics keeps people as people#1workers#1, the so-called "German Michel", dependent on technical solutions for the problem German politics causes to keep them under its rule. Meanwhile, Germany is the "EU's Michel" paying for the European deficit making, which in the past was the onset of European wars...

- 2D (-4/aX) come to me when they are -4 frustrated about the -4 frustration they cannot get rid of. As my last resort, I myself are left with my 2D-emotions with my a-intuition about my H4-conscience to experience my X-being's OPTION II, which is still too often -4 frustratingly considered a >3 dissatisfying 1Pw-Challenge#21 to palace#2workers#1 in this world with its OPTION I agendas. What is left for me is my >6 very good OPTION II for B5-life fulfillment, with my 9Pp-inner to p-prepare F9-basic P-processes as a people#1prophet#3; bottom-up. And that, despite the intellectual reduction of this X-essence of mine; ignored, belittled, hated and misinterpreted by the zeitgeist. Among other issues, the hate for the lowest intellectual rank#13 has also lead to the holocaust and today's isolated and walled-in Israel. This God chosen country has so far been the global symbol for demeaning OPTION II, such as also your God created X-being by OPTION I organized science! It began with the Jews EXODUS as outlined in the OLD Testament. At its peak, the Jews were even instrumentalized by their own elite, corrupted by the Roman imperial zeitgeist, to crucify Jesus Christ. And yet, the mainstream Jews still hoped for a more pleasing Messiah up to our days in misunderstanding the Old Testament. And so the despising New Testament by the orthodox Jews was later on demeaned by the Koran, Jesus as a minor prophet to Mohammed! How much more evil the zeitgeist can be is nowadays apparent on all our walls!

- 3S (%5/Mh) come to me when they are -4 frustrated about %5-manipulations that top them: With my M-maximally §0-sustainable, >6 very good perspective for 2Pm-risk taking#12 as a people#1master#2 in my otherwise >1 very badly 2Pe-blocked#11 h-living space, I could overcome being reduced to people#1workers#1's §1-expressions. That allowed me a 3S-initiative with %5-manipulating the tradition of my family. I did prepare for my matriculation beyond, besides my apprenticeship in electronics which was thought by my parents to fit their social lower class role. After my MA at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (Switzerland) in physics, I left the confinement of the Mo-mothering Swiss mentality, first in 1968 (after the 6-day war 1967) for Israel at its heights for 3 months, finally welcome in the same mentality as mine. 1970-73 I went to Australia with another 2D-emotional mentality. I Mh-made my first 3S-wife come with me - after she had come to me with the fear of another round of tuberculosis from which I helped her to heal. However, since she wanted to ride on an OPTION I career of mine, rather than just Mh-emo-sync towards synergy, she cooked up 1D-tension in 3S-anger with graceless 1D-guilt. That in return was too much for me in my then ignorance about what goes on in real human beings' minds. That led to a painful divorce. This made me definitely Mh-follow my inner call for science#3 in 1979!

- 3D (%6/S!) come to me when they are -4 frustrated about %6-projections the stupidity of which they cannot expose easily in others: Finally, I have learned to S-relax in 4Cm-breaking out#12 in a >4 peaceful B2-breakthrough when I am ready to !-become essential with L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence about an 6Ce-Encounter#11; beyond what otherwise remains >3 unsatisfactory. In my intuitively directed breaking out in 1968 to Israel, I finally found a culture open for who I am like nowhere before. Later on the Bible, above all the EXODUS with Moses, became one of the sources which helped me to put many relationship truths worked out with Applied Personal Science into words. That helped me to understand the Bible's substantial red line and its intellectual stupidity amplification. Then I realized how amazingly written the Bible has been over some 1500 years by some 40 authors, from widely differently walks of life - unlike any other merely intellectually minded book or science, with a coherent red line beyond what any intellectual is willing to grasp. And that red line has survived all the evil attempts to disrupt and get rid of the Bible! Sadly to say understanding this has so far been too much for some humans once very close to me, they rather froze and detached, while others could share it to grow in themselves.

In short, the intellectually induced unwillingness to train and internalize emotional synchronization, is mental AIDS, humanity's plague. In the present Age of Disruption all of that shows up in all the inner and outer inflammation!

You are welcome to ask for a session to clarify
emotional synchronization with me towards
an offer for your format for your OPTION II life's challenge:

Drill deeper with
Mobbing Examples O-Con-Science

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Gretchenfrage, Hinweis, für DichAnfragen:

My work ultimately aims at universities and media to get reframed by still real people beyond the zeitgeist from Courts of intellectual idolatry to LifeFulfilling Platforms; the sheople they mentally condition, to real human beings aware of their OPTION II: Lebenserfüllung