Are YOU mentally in a Position...April 8, 2019: ... to balance M / O = STRESS with your M=necessary manipulation to not just to survive with O=sufficient orientation to fulfill your life in a X-self-determined way? Or are you stuck in the TRAP proud to be above what has been PREceding it and has now lost its mass-attractivity, yet afraid to TRANS-cend the collective's OPTION I ideologies with your X-substance to fulfill it, rather than sacrificing it for the trap of a mediocre, increasingly short-term, pre-trans-trapping zeitgeist trend of dividing to rule ? Have you leant... You might not have just experience a satisfying, let alone a god or even a very good background; but that is not what makes you who you are, and that is the tasks you substantially fulfill in the rest of your life... to understand what is means to be "human"? - specifically in your society with its fore- and background... to appreciate that your inner life develops your conscious orientation in 5-year learning cycles 5JLC? - with or without opinions, hypes and fake news... to focus on your substantial biography? - in view of mass-attractivity as the measure of all things in the OPTION I world... enough about the 10 levels of relationships to be self-determined about the desirable level of engagement? - if necessary beyond OPTION I with your OPTION II for life- through task-fulfillment... about the 144 substantial ways, one of it your path that in truth leads to your life's fulfillment including 15 further essential states of being in its service? - despite the respective ways OPTION I sucks YOUR first 4 essential states of being (§1-2-3-0) relevant to develop conscience in the first four personally relevant 5JLC with the respective 8 insubstantial states of being which also disrupt your psychosomatic interface... to claim the §1-right to express your X-essence as children learn to become aware (up to age 5) or hardly ever any more under OPTION I, §2-follow up its purpose (5-10), with §3-integrity (10-15), towards a §0-desirably sustainable (15-20), outcome, to see your B1-belief as the expression of your awakening X-potential for a B2-breakthrough beyond OPTION I with YOUR OPTION II towards your B3-path with the B4-truth relevant as an orientation for your B5-life's fulfillment? - despite the 54% prevailing substance repressive 5-good for the elite, >4-satisfying yet >1-very badly qualified GULAG systems and the 46% 6-very good sounding upstart with a >2 bad foreground and a >3 unsatisfactory background KZ system's elimination of substance! What makes your H1-hopes justified by recognizing the relevant H2-superior order? - beyond graceless emotions about tension-anger-guilt with futile myths like that of evolution to not at all explaining the H3-reality of your life nor giving you a H4-personally relevant way to relate to your situation so you can understand the underlying X-substance and its essential G4-relationship truths, above all X-yours such as in technology, the laws of nature... to get L1-lovingly engaged with your OPTION II to allow the OPTION II of others to become fulfilled as you are engaged with your life- through task-fulfillment? - with L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence sufficiently up to the necessary L3-reframing of the context in which you live and work with others towards LifeFulfilling Platforms beyond the permanently self-destructive systems evolving under OPTION I's insubstantial rat race for mass-attractivity appealing to and promoted by the 8 dark inner evil voices of insubstantial %1-political correctness, its %5-manipulation for hidden agendas %6-projected, towards +2 lustful more of the same, leaving the -4 stressful deal with the consequences to serves and scapegoat with the *3-egoistically ?0-illusionry one-track mind of riding the ZG-zeitgeist...
Providing you with the access to the answers to the above, under OPTION I forbidden questions, and many other existentially essential ones about your 8 inessential OPTION I and your 16 essential OPTION II states of being and the consequences of giving meaning to them, is my vocation. It is based on my OPTION II's X=9Pp I was born with 1944, since 1979 with a track record of fulfillment with ways to make personally relevant answers operational for life practical applications. |