Who has been part of respecting your Person?May 7, 2019: Please make sure you have studied the introduction Obviously the >6 very good source for your X-being is he Creator of all we are aware of, and that includes YOU in your X-essential being. To overcome the otherwise spreading the >2 bad opinions introduced by the snake, Moses Pp-prepared the EXODUS of the chosen people. And to overcome their >3 unsatisfactory mobbing of him that lead to the dance around the Golden Calf, he brought the >6 very good 10 Commandments to them from the God, who X-is, who he is. Jesus Christ has given us a chance the rediscover how truly >6 very good God has meant each and every one of us to become and have personal relevance#3. Not so the top-down world we know - yet does no longer exist as we will see; on top of its "ghost" sequence are its supposed self-evident, convincing forms of temple art#0 now branded with Artificial Intelligence, given meaning to serve the hidden agendas of the palaces#2 for implementation by the people#1 in return for "providing the pimp kind of protection" from having to bottom-up be responsible for the fulfillment of one's inner, personally relevant#3 substance which rather deserves respect for its task-fulfillment! And then judges/prophets, kings/scribes - theocratic Pharisees' spin doctoring#0 philosophers/priests - intellectuals#2, executive ministers/politicians, in the name of the >5 good for people#1, created humanity's cultures by >2 badly instrumentalizing God's commandments for their hidden agenda of making people work#1 for the palaces#2, so they can rule as formatted by their intellectually superior temples#0. Instead of >4 peace, their hierarchical chicken ladder evoked >3 dissatisfaction among humans, up to >1 very bad world wars; said to be the "father" of all >5 "good" things, the >6 "very good" progress and worse, now threatening to become a curse, and has already evoked the Age of Disruption after the scribes of the OPTION I rat race for mass-attractivity *have been collapsed on Nov. 24, 2016. Alexander the Great with his onset to globalize western culture now versus (/) now the rising Islam and China, in the following in the format The Beelzebub strategy is said to have been evoked by the smartest member of Lucifer's gang after the decent into hell. For quite sometime those upstarts were frustrated and had to realize that they had no chance against the Almighty. But then Beelzebub had a brain/mind wave: unable to confront God directly he suggested stirring up God's human creatures against him; the invention of mobbing! And so he turned into a snake and initiated his strategy in paradise, by promising Eve that with the fruits of the forbidden tree, the personally-neutral#2 intellect, she and Adam could become godlike. And indeed now almost everybody can speak up under OPTION I to globally create likes and followers in the limelight of the zeitgeist just as the Roman God-Emperors, the Popes, and the Grand Masters Stalin - Hitler - Mao did in the past, as when God spoke, there will be light, and there was light, and he found it good. Similarly, mankind's idols, to the elite's short-term benefits, can mislead sheople in the zeitgeist. This is well illustrated by literary figures like Oscar Wild's "Dorian Grey", Goethe's "Dr. Faust", and the works of many artists, philosophers, politicians, spin doctors & Co. and intellectuals. At the occasion of 500 year after Zwingli's Reformation in Zürich, its philosophical-theological elite found looked hard for a common ground in "God" and found it as a strong literary figure. The then President of the renowned Federal Institute of Technology where I studied physics, 1965-69, Prof. Lino, Guzzella, in a personal meeting with me in 2015, after I mentioned the basics of OPTION II, declared the meaning of life as a chemical-physical process. End of 2018 he was thrown of this Pegasus on which he was riding the zeitgeist stumbling over a mobbing incident. On the wall near Lucerne there was once a graffiti saying, Nietzsche: "God is dead!", God: "Nietzsche is dead!" The Creator's H2-superior order still holds beyond human manipulation and so it makes sense to understand its relevant aspect for one's lifefulfillment, as all my work has aimed to do since 1979. The Formation of the Intellect respects real human beings only as seemingly "humans", but it disrespects their personally relevant fulfillment as a subjective - chemical physical-hormonal-neuronal process. The distortion of the innate OPTION II and making themselves understood and understanding others with the aim of synergy, is best exemplified by psychological diagnosis as it is still done based on Jungian collective archetypal words in ambiguous judgmental terms of - extroversion (h-assuming) / introversion (designing systems), - concrete ("brainy" science#1)/ abstract (social science#0>#2) - emotional (feeling the context of E-formal evolution) / rational (conscious consideration#3-#1-#2-#0 about K-creativity) - organized (position power) / easy going (definition power), ignoring the required >qualification of one's OPTION II for lifefulfillment to conclude one's Ignition Sequence with its 24 options. One, 0Kd-3D, is insubstantial, the "ghost" sequence, the forbidden fruit; It switches no real human being on, it is just by those who have sold the soul to enthuse a crowd under OPTION I. One of the other 23 is doing justice to each and everyone of us depending on her (Eve) or his (Adam) X-being; here is my qualified option that works to switch my inner resources on: Based on my X=9Pp: Reframing C. G. Jungs' categories [link is in German, a Test auf Deutsch] for my 1Kd-3D>6 ignition sequence of awakening to my 9Pp-being, is expressed below in bold, and that is what psychology can do, it takes no personal responsibility for the personal relevance of those concerned. This shows in how the intellectual elite freaks out when just asked for the most simply personally relevant information, such as their birth date, as if it were a privacy violation! Test it for your self how they react, and you get a glimpse of their fig leaf over their hidden agenda! And beware, on your B3-path with them, only the B4-truth leads to B5-life! So here is an example of how I am seen from insubstantial psycho-logy B4-lacking: as an IKDO-type systematically switching his substance on, introverted (I) designing, arguing concretely (K) (this German psychology-test makes me an "abstract" IADO "precision- minster" congruent to the non-committing, organized, wordy prejudices about conscience#3) freedom-ministering (the 4-keyword combination IKDO) / more relevant; fulfilling oriented, rational(D)- easy going(O). I expresses my power as a People#1-Prophet#3 with Definition Power towards the qualification in dealing with what is >6 very good, e.g. the H2-superior order, beyond human manipulation. The full text is the best explanation of my ignition sequence. So here is the intellectual trick of
In short, willingly or seemingly unknowingly humanity has largely given in to maintain the OPTION I with its self-destructive dynamic. This makes Beelzebub and Co. dance in hell together with its followers and zombies on earth together, at the abyss, globalized, synchronized, a step further - unless sufficient people fulfill their OPTION II - how about YOU? |