Save our Souls

Up Foundation Story Save our Souls M-Enemy Balance
by Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier, Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich, Global Identity, Positionierung

Mayday - intellectual stumbling blocks ahead!


The time has come to reveal
how humanity falls into disruption; before people lose the soul, i.e. the capability of the inner experience of conscience in order to discern the chaff, stumbling blocks from the grain, corner-stones pointing to the OPTION II of personally relevant Life- through Task-Fulfillment:
1) Your conception has initiated the onset of the resulting DNA to generate your body.
2) YOU have emerged as the driver of that "vehicle" of YOURS from your birth to death, in short,  YOU are not your body, you have been given it to fulfill your life!
3) Human medicine and ruling society are still predominantly under the OPTION I personally-neural regime of the intellect. Its thinking catastrophes have evoked the know human catastrophes. In 1979
Applied Personal Science has emerged through me in sparks of synergy with thousands of people all over the world since. This allows now sufficient mutual understanding each other's OPTION II, hopefully still before the nearing point of NO return of humanity which otherwise tends to self-destruct under its still prevailing OPTION I:

By initiating the GlobalFamily Facebook Page I have violated the 3 taboos of organized science:

- The so-called EGO-TABOO: Based on the insubstantial BIG DATA sources of opinions about the OPTION I's 8 dark inner evil voices (ZG-?0 *3(+2/-4) %1-%5-%6), according to intellectual, since Nov. 24, 2016, more and more artificially driven intelligence, nobody has any right to make personal (denounced as subjectively egoistic) claims such I do it here to give meaning to OPTION II!

- With MyStory, I have also violated the ZG's STORY-TELLING TABOO which under OPTION I, proclaims, that stories about any inner insights and understanding are irrelevant; in my case, mine is denounced as inferior, as the Jewish tradition was by the Nazis...

- Here I am going to violate the METAPHOR-TABOO beginning with what intellectuals abhor, the above picture of the analogy of 1) the 4 stages of births with their social stereotypes about traditional families as the cornerstones of society, and 2) the underlying 8 emotional cycles with the grace of getting the X-being restored beyond organized prejudices by the insubstantial sciences#0>#2>#1, arrogantly ignorant of science#3.

Life begins personally relevant before its personally-neutral intellectual branding, with


Fertilizing the embodiment
of an OPTION II:
in societies ruled by emotional
Father-roles of chiefs
Kings -Emperors - Pope
formatted by temple-science#0
convincing with
systems of
now replaced by the Artificial
Intelligence of the ZG-zeitgeist
TRADITION of temple#0 formatted palaces#2 to divide and rule with B-boundary conditions enforced by law - in contrast to real life's oegp-boundaries, which are rather invitations to o-open up a relevant space to the e-end of making sense for g-generating life, i.e. out of a personally relevant cradle p-principle rather than a devotional coffin formally nailed with words!





Giving birth to real human substance
ther-role of emotionally caring
F1-3 materially based on the humanities
of personally-neutral science#2's
?0-illusionary-brands-ideal-stories of
Queens in the Fa-realm minding
people under OPTION I

"God" as Creator, Save Our Souls from losing ourselves in riding the ZG-zeitgeist' ?0-illusions, as you have prevented Switzerland most of the time since 1291 from the disgustingly horrible European wars. In fact, Switzerland was founded 1291 in your name God Almighty, against the evil of the spirit of the time, the prime voice of the 8 dark, i.e. insubstantial inner evil ones. On YOUR basis we can take responsibility for the p-past, the n-now present, towards a lifefulfilling f-future with an

-F1(nf)-input in the now to sustain the future,

-F2(fp)-internalization for a future with integrity to one's past created X-essence, with inner digestion to grow for an

-F3(pn)-output in the present now, based on the p-past substance's fulfillment, i.e. with the God created H2-superior personally relevant order beyond OPTION I tradition.


Appreciating life
1st Son-role of standing
up for the hopeful in the
tradition of *3-ego survival
beyond power games for the
OPTION I rat race for mass-
attractivity of nobility
OBJECTIVES of tangibly succeeding tradition and/or creating technical alternatives in the seemingly necessary rat-race for mass-attractivity - in contrast, objectives of real-life envisage their e-end of the X-substance's fulfillment of the owner.


Making use of possibilities
role of providing outward
alternatives to traditional values,
in general via science&technology#1
based on discoveries, managed for
+2 more of the same with efficient
for the leveraged
lust, amplified with power,
made possible with profit...

God, Save Our Souls from getting +2 greedy about trying to fix everything with *3-egoistic traditional and technical M-manipulation for the illusion of freed from consequences. Lead as in temptation with your relevant O-orientation to balance M / O =STRESS in the eustress range so we can be open for synergy on LifeFulfilling Platforms, above degenerating boredom, beneath disrupting distress among others in the minefields of words exploding with prejudices, flying carpets organized by zeitgeist science's usurped evolutionary definition power...


beginning with the 3S-role of
%5-manipulating %-tradition
for personal interest;
with or without opinions;
topping others, and making this
socially compatible to become
the first among equals...
PROCESSES about taking the initiative to TRANScend the TRAP of formal tradition where it has served its purpose and would otherwise fall back to what had PREceded it, uncivilized, graceless angry power games. In contrast real-life g-generates challenges for emotional synchronization as the precondition for synergy in fulfillment beyond the 8 dark inner evil voices...


2D 2nd Daughter-role F6-provides
the controllable inner alternatives
to tradition with the O-orientation
the otherwise missing science#3
provides to
-4 avoiding M/O distress
by putting problems on the table
to solve them, beginning with
separating the chaff from the grain...

God, Save Our Souls from %5-manipulating what -4 frustrates us about each other because that would otherwise make us impotent to understand each other rather than simply wanting power over what does not acknowledge one's prejudices. Orientate us towards F6(np) consciously controlling our now based in view of the gracefully restored X-existential essence created in the past by YOU, the Creator...


1D-role of valuing F4-manageable
%1-political correctness' F5-
entrepreneurial financial systems,
French revolutions, USA
type national states, world wars, market
economically based on tangibly profiled
brands, and ideologies...
COMMUNICATION about the ZG-?0 *3(+2/-4) %1-%5-%6 to the next ZG-trend - in contrast, real life is based on the p-personally relevant principles of lifefulfillment within the H2-higher order, which is beyond "humanistic" man-made manipulation and materialistic reductions...


3D-role of networking as stupidity amplifier,
%6-projecting F7-influence to cope with the
present F8-necessities beyond the past habits,
for a mutually F9-basically desirable future
with insights into OPTION II, before the
point of NO return from "diplomacy" with
hard, ultimately self-destructive means
of OPTION I M-Manipulations...

The GlobalFamily faces the question of what support system a born into the world human being requires; beyond the useless afterbirth, which is eaten by animals for its nourishing quality, and beyond the sumptuous intellectual OPTION I: It is the superior H2-order of relationships truths about one's innate spirit! And this is provided by one's own relevant one of the possible functional F1-9 to take responsibility beyond the insubstantial ZG-Zeitgeist's ghost path!

God, Save Our Souls from the default ZG's %6-projected scam, spin, information flood, with its thousands of brands we get bombarded with every day and its pre-trans-trapping insistence on insubstantial %1-political correctness and pseudo-science attempts to fake the relationship truths of time: "... for thine is the power and the glory..."; in the certainty that the above 8 personally-neutral dark inner evil voices will not have the last word! That requires a

- F4(pp) management of the past's expressions of the past facts in order to take

- F5(fn) entrepreneurial decisive F4-based actions for the desirable future of the present investments. To keep these actions meaningful,

- F7(ff) orientation needs to be considered in influencing the future for a meaningful future as well as openness for the

- F8(nn) spontaneously necessary interventions based on real SOS-necessities in terms of the

- F9(pf) past's substantial meaning of what basically provides a desirable future which is otherwise disrupted by the insubstantial zeitgeist...

In 1912 on the Titanic, people did not get a chance to understand what was really happening, and still today, in regards to this and similar events such as 1983 the Challenger Disaster, in fact, a management catastrophe like Fukushima, the media stick to the legally socially compatible way of talking of an "accident"! The following true story happened for you to consider before you freak out in your zeitgeist formatted part of your angry mind about the above; in conditioned disgust or ignorance, like the already dead intellectual tradition, to propagate it further, from generation to generation. This makes sheople go on making each other react against what was %1-5-6 tabooed as non-socially compatible to mention; this everyone being his or her own concentration camp warden in the mind:

The sailor who had to go on watch duty in the crow's nest to look out; on that cold clear night, froze, saw ice blocks in the water and no light on the bridge. Yet on his 'road less traveled', he conscientiously went to ask his boss for binoculars. That officer replied according to compliance, he could not decide by himself about that matter. But he was willing to go to his boss with the impertinent sailor’s demand. He came back, sad to say, that according to the big boss, it would not be OK; for when passengers saw the outlook watching with binoculars, they would get worried. So in that night, the Titanic was sailing ahead with full speed, all including the experienced captain on his last cruise, were inactive under the spell of the persuasive rhetoric of the record greedy owner-entrepreneur. He had proclaimed that the Titanic was unsinkable beyond all reason, experience, and law of nature. Nobody but that overwritten sailor cared. Two hours later the Titanic crashed in the utmost incompetent way based on 13 such thinking catastrophes. Beyond al rules, the Titanic was steered to be slit open by the iceberg to sink into the human catastrophe that followed! Then not only some hypothetical few supposedly watching the watchmen worried but all concerned, most of whom died in the icy cold water. Nothing was learned from that "accident"! Business as usual, went further, up to the most terrible, the 20th century with its World War I and II. And, humanity has still not learned, let alone internalized the M/O = STRESS< DEATH lesson in its organized science. It is still under OPTION I, the intellectual curse of any substance, now at the onset of this decisive 21st century

Most personality tests like DiSC, MBTI are based on psychology and that is based on generalizing statistics about people's reactions to words in view of their general meanings, denotations; flying carpets in the zeitgeist, controlled by %5-manipulated mass-attractivity, a formally closed, permanently self-destructive MATRIX! Its insubstantial dynamic is to get people's wordy characteristics carried away by the zeitgeist to encapsulate them into its linguistic MATRIX of artificial intelligence. The B.A.N.K. test makes buisness sense of this with a personality system developed to quickly identify the 'other' person as well. When it comes to selling and convincing, it is not about you. It is all about your brand's appeal to your prospect. Therefore the BANK personality system is based on buyology”, the science of Why They Buy. The B.A.N.K. Code provides a simple method to determine what your prospect values before you begin your sales conversation. In short what is missing is the focus on who YOU are in terms of your options for either fulfilling or otherwise getting your life disrupted.

Obviously, that sailor above did not have enough sufficient answers to stand up with sufficient integrity to save his day! In this Age of Disruption, that is the situation for most people on their PATH, who are faced with the essential questions,
Why are you here?
Who really understands you?
With whom did you have the last meaningful interaction?
What are your existential perspective for your future and that of mankind?

Where do you pretend your glass it is half empty, insisting on getting it all intellectually filled so you can amplify your power in the virtual emptiness under the insubstantial OPTION I?

What is in your glass half full when you enter a relationship with someone - yourself - God? Are you still open to get it filled with an emotionally synched attitude towards sufficient personally relevant existential TRUTH that leads to your LIFE's fulfillment?

Or are you rather prone to getting disrupted and freaking out in the midst of communication, triggered by in inner category error or a taboo based non-sequitur or trauma that is not obviously reproducible to others, then tending in turn, to argue the situation to death and worse...

The answer to such questions even in some seemingly everyday situation could be the decisive cornerstone to save humanity, or for ending as the stumbling block which could lead to the destruction of all life on earth. The fact is even in this Age of Disruption, it has come to light that at least three previously unknown individuals have so far prevented an atomic holocaust.

We are in a world, where one day you could be in such a situation too when everything depends on your state of mind! The ability for emotional synchronization is the best preparation!

© Copyright 2018, Dr. Peter Meier, Blog, Version: 21.08.2023 Privacy Policy Terms Attention Q&A
Gretchenfrage, Hinweis, für DichAnfragen:

My work ultimately aims at universities and media to get reframed by still real people beyond the zeitgeist from Courts of intellectual idolatry to LifeFulfilling Platforms; the sheople they mentally condition, to real human beings aware of their OPTION II: Lebenserfüllung