
Up Mobbing Examples O-Con-Science
by Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier, Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich, Global Identity, Positionierung

Essentially-Synchronized Communication

versus the default inessentially disrupting exchange of opinions

January 3, 2020: Emo-sync under the 8 die-voices in danger

Considering my -4 frustration in my 2D-emotional-cycle, how

  1. Mo-Mother Earth instead of Mh-emo-syncing (of M-question and h-answer) with the Fa, falls for any style variation thereof capable of disrupting emo-synching, favors of the mass-attractive ZG-zeitgeist#0
    Fa-fathered by humanity's intellectual profit-making elite, Mo-Earth begins to ?0-curse humanity with disrupting fires of all sorts of energies#1. That has literally let to burning hundreds of houses in Australia 2019/20. People are also increasingly equally disrupting each other stuck in graceless anger in failed states. The tipping point occurs when fathers refrain from Jt emo-syncing with 2D like me, such as did the Christians with the Jews. Then local and GlobalFamilies decay. This is the stuff the WEF comes to Davos for to discuss, well protected by Mo-Switzerland after Greta Thunberg's Fa-fatherly attempt to lead an anti-global warming campaigning family in the zeitgeist evolution, i.e. an insubstantial process usually triggered by a

  2. 1D-value judgmental womb i.e. an intellect#2's collapse onto itself, void of the 1S-substance (such as in Calgary's Heart Lodge) in its angry and black knighthood. Now that spreads top-down on the background of the ultimate intellectual collapse on Nov. 24, 2016, (already followed-up by the USA)! That means the time has come for the

  3. 2D-transformation womb such as my X-being's emotion, to get prepared to separate the chaff of stillbirth from the grain of the lives with still a potential for fulfillment; basically the 'fetus' of the missing science#3 to be born as effective in humanity before the point of NO return. That requires the

  4. 3D-infrastructure womb, in case of Jesus it was the stable in Bethlehem, for me it has allowed the onset of the GlobalFamily in the Heart Lodge in Calgary (1S), November 2019. Now back at home via Los Angeles (1D)-Düsseldorf (2S), I experience the most newborn insights have been aborted by the people I emo-synched with, in view of rather re-synchronizing again with what is emerging out of the 2019's ashes, the ZG-trend 2020.

At unease about the trend, I have resumed the work to raise the renewed 'baby' GlobalFamily's essence, with or without opinions, i.e. to make the insights#3 gained from my global expedition life-practical and operational. They are now available with thus fulfilling my 2D-duty with my graceful emotional energy - as painful as it felt at the 2019/20 transition of experiencing the loneliness with it all in myself. But the process for a renewed 2D-like 'push' of both
- the chaff to be cast away, i.e. stillborn
- the dirty ungrateful Cinderella work sheople shy away from - and
- the grain of a more graceful renewal way, from inside
out to further enhance the previous applications.

Usually, intellectual stillbirth leads to the mobbing of a scapegoat to restore the zeitgeist as the prevailing god; after WWI it was Germany. This is achieved by pre-trans-trapping unwanted conscience by isolating whoever dares to apply it. In the case of Adolf Hitler, traumatized in WW I, that evil ZG-reaction has misguided weak spirits into WW II as a smokescreen for the obsessive revengeful indiscriminate holocaust against the generally culturally 2D-minded Jews.

In such situations, 2D like me, have to be careful not to fall into the same TRAP as the mentioned PRE-collapsed 1D-womb. The corresponding 2D-temptation like mine is to burn one's self out unnecessarily in the desperation of having been deprived of becoming effective with somebody. When and wherever, in my case, that happens, after I have been not sufficiently aware of my M/O work/life balance. Then I NEED to walk my talk first of all with myself, in my home, first aX-emo-synched with myself before I demand it from others.

However, like in the Roman ZG-Empire, 2020 years ago, first Herod with baby mass-murder, then the Pharisees and scribes with Jesus' crucifixion, began to strike back as usual under OPTION I, now on the onset of 2020, most people, even the blessed, healed and emo-synched ones, mutate back into OPTION I sheople when the ZG-zeitgeist makes them choose the meaning of their dependencies on OPTION I and OPTION II. That happens also 2020, till January 25. Then all of us, including US-President Trump, have to cope with the consequences of their choice of how the renew the ride into the future; YOU learning it the hard way under OPTION I or following your innate OPTION II about what has been made available in the GlobalFamily of becoming

o-open) for the strategic meaning of your innate 6 cornerstones of Lifefulfillment, beyond the unconscious incompetence#0 of traditionally ?0-illusionary Mo-mothering of idolized stumbling blocks in the Fa-fathered ZG-zeitgeist towards the

e-ended) 7 real requirements by the unconscious competence#1 for Task-Fulfillment versus mere *3-social Darwinian princely successions of the 1st Son's survival in view of

g-generating your life) with the alternative of your 8 possibilities for substantial emotional-synchronization, tactically towards synergy. Each one of which is relevant for the emotional cycle of a specific partner. This is in contrast to mere intellectually word-based discussions with sheople, just with conscious incompetence#2, in mutual admiration societies. The work with %5-manipulating the seeming %1-political correctness %6-projected with +2 ever more effective methods (Germany) of M-manipulating -4 frustratingly playing power games with M/O=STRESS<DEATH stupidity! And this more or less in view of the lacking O-orientation to essentially-synchronize M-applying manipulation with the personally relevant

p-oeg-principles) available to take the personal initiative in the H4-conscience of understanding the personally relevant oegp-laws of the relationship truths about lifefulfillment in the H2-superior order of the synergy with genuine partners; towards L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence with conscious competence#3. This hopefully can sufficiently happen before the point of NO return towards L3-reframing the applied personally-neutral, towards the otherwise badly missing personally-relevant science#3. Only the latter is relevant beyond deviously pre-trans-trapping questions as "what is the basis of "human" identity?", and "where does the dignity as a "human" being come from?" Since each and every one of us is not just a "human" philosophical abstract, different answers are cultivated, to make people disrupt each other's attention-dominance-objectivity to obscure the unwanted emo-synched allowed understanding! In short, established OPTION I science leaves people in the intellectual darkness of opinionating about the consequences of the meanings of the four basic answers to these questions about


The identity of the man/women; it can be said to be

- convincingly#0 established in tune with temple religious and philosophically based institutions with KP-artificially creative position power about how to brand awakening of self-confidence about one's role in the world. This way, when people relate to each other they mainly keep themselves divided to be ruled easily by the palace under its OPTION I.

- founded on the personally-neutral acceptance of man's profession and social status by the %1-5-6 prevailing temple formatted society#2 upon which palaces can usurp ED-evolutionary definition power.

- constituted, content-free by the physical birth#1 with which a human enters the world with his or her physically meaningful chemical-physical process' evolutionary position power, more or less guaranteed by palaces since the Roman right was established.

- Identity is NOT to be established as I has been suggested by the snake in paradise, still the prerogative of the ruling powers of the 'palace' framed by the foul temple fruits of the intellectual branches of knowledge, spin doctored in our day's terms, declaring everything else as -4 dissatisfying from people reduced to just BEING dissatisfied. Identity is to be identified and modeled in the personally relevant terms terms of the H3-superior order for oegp-lifefulfillment as in personally-relevant ways experienced in emo-synced relationships by the mutual awakening of consciousness#3 about one's vocation for synergy.

Science under OPTION I uses as its mentally "flat society's" firewall to protect its intellectual, i.e. insubstantially wordy spinned MATRIX with the 3 psycho-politically established taboos, the

  1. STORYTELLING-Taboo to protect the ZG-zeitgeist Fa-fathering via pseudo#0 religions in the name of their pre-trans-trapping "god" in the name of "humanist's" personally-neutral#2 wordy objectivity#1 to inhibit any OPTION II story from inside conscience#3 out.

  2. METAPHOR-Taboo to protect the Mo-mothering of its intellectually devious ?0-illusions about real human beings, with the feared potential to TRANScend traditional OPTION I cultivated spin - "opium" for people to divide them like children-subjects-animals-bio-chemical processes PREceeding culture; i.e. like tagged and branded objects for easy rule in wordy TRAPS. They make sure no open-ended generative principles are considered to model human systems appropriately! Imagine that the Roman elite had the decimal number system and inhibited its use to keep people dumb with the inadequate for calculation and the development of mathematics, the Roman number system...

  3. EGO-Taboo to maintain OPTION I's 1S-succession even where it fails terribly such as in the world wars, at all *3-ego costs; its has actually finally failed Nov. 24, 2016 beyond repair! But it champions, now zombies, still make con-science a missing science! They maintain a mental firewall with those three mental viruses, leaving weak, i.e. zeitgeist spirited people in fear of being mobbed and worse, like above all, those 12.5% like the Jewish culture, with a 2D emotional cycle; they are down with the dark inner evil voice of being -4 dissatisfied with them as that voice is in itself. Lacking the 2D-inner alternative has always left cultures, now humanity impotent to solve their pressing problems before the point of NO return! And so all the empires crashed, lately in 2016 that of the intellect, as predicted by Daniel in the Old Testament! In Fa-Mo 1S-1D formally in it selves closed systems by the *3-ego taboo, emo-syncing is inhibited. Therefore mutual understanding, the essence of any substantial science, synergy it allows towards existential solutions are no longer possible! Such intellect-based man-made personally-neutral#2 systems end in self-destruction by it insubstantially conditioned users, like the Titanic 1912, now earth and its lives, in fires caused by such, about nature and their own, mislead "humans"!

The OPTION I scienctists cursing OPTION II their black (insubstantial) pedagogic embellished with black art from its three of knowledge, on all levels protected with ever more efficiently enforced taboos, end as the useful idiots of executing the snake's curse in implementing the Beelzebub strategy as predicted in the Bible. You intellectuals, humanists & Co.; look at human history with its red thread of disrupting "human" souls against the Creator with all your evil ideologies up to the insubstantial "evolution" scam.


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Gretchenfrage, Hinweis, für DichAnfragen:

My work ultimately aims at universities and media to get reframed by still real people beyond the zeitgeist from Courts of intellectual idolatry to LifeFulfilling Platforms; the sheople they mentally condition, to real human beings aware of their OPTION II: Lebenserfüllung