Foundation Story

Up Foundation Story Save our Souls M-Enemy Balance
by Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier, Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich, Global Identity, Positionierung

The GlobalFamily's Foundation Story


The emotional family dynamic allows for the graceful restoration of one's X-being after the disruptive emotional stages of T-tension - A-anger - G-guilt. These TAG-e-motions are expressing the inner energy to propagate an intension with increasing intensity. T-A-G is experienced accordingly in reference to one's X-being. Its restoration in 1-to-1 relationships is supported by synchronizing each other's emotional type (one among Fa-Mo tradition, 1S-1D succession, 2S-2D-alternative, 3S-3D initiative) with the relevant pair among the 16 substantial states of being which allow empathy to each other's emotional roles, by "walking a mile in the partner's shoes". You are invited for a tour of our GlobalFamily Facebook Page where we learn to practice emotional synchronization. We aim to implement the basics to keep eustress among us because this allows synergy towards a LifeFulfilling Platform to overcome failed OPTION I organized thinking catastrophes with all their graceless drama and trauma of the thus evoked human catastrophes.

Those who FOLLOW that page get a shortcut on their Facebook site, those who LIKED it, are kept updated and are notified how we grow, from the bottom-up. Those who looked at the video with their glass-half-empty will end up empty; those with their glass half-full, get a chance to get their lives full, filled...

Here is the script upon which the above video is based on:

Hi, Face it, I am not “Peter”, that is just my name

This is a Father's (Fa) WELCOME from my point of view, to your Jt-POINT OF VIEW of your J-justified t-thinking. Our approach is based on Applied Personal Science APS© by "Doc Peter", as the GlobalFamily promoters call me. In fact, I am X=9Pp, my open-ended generative principle of lifefulfillment, emotionally a 2nd daughter (2D). This identification will be provided for all qualified family members. I am the administrator of this page. Members get the chance to personally relate to me, emotions synched. Then I shall make the attitudes with the 8x8 parameters available by which qualified members can relate to each other likewise in synergy.

h-in our living space) Welcome to your first experience of the Lifefulfilling Platform of the GlobalFamily aims for. Here are its 6 cornerstones: We are growing with them, bottom-up, internationally for English speaking members, ready to be qualified to synch their emotions in 1-to-1 relationships.

Mother's (Mo) yc-URGENCY with each other's y-necessary c-profiling of qualified members: Members of the GlobalFamily are interested in the personal relevance of personally relevant relationship truths and acknowledge them.

Member's §3-integrity) We are interested in overcoming the organized intellectual prejudices about each other’s integrity with the genuine mutual understanding of each other’s substantial 16 inner resources towards lovingly engaged synergy. This supports the L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence, which among other issues, is vital to dealing with pregnancy and now, with surviving the present Age of Disruption. That qualifies each of us to be the conscious driver of our bodies during our life; from birth to death.

1st Son (1S) TRANSITION, bf SELF-BRANDed b-balancing f-feelings TRANScends personally-neutral intellectual hypes in merely mass-attractive mentoring-consulting-coaching. Based on the subsidiarity-principle, GlobalFaily members (GFm) support and challenge each other to solve problems at their real causal level, with its associated responsibility. APS allows for clarification of the required attitude to cornerstones and stumbling blocks, which is a necessary precondition to allow emotionally synched one-to-one relationships to overcome one-to-many insubstantial power games in groups.

X-one's innate being) Rather than being confined to the driving licenses issued by our cultures which tend to misguide us along its stumbling blocks, for which our essence is NO topic, we are learning from each other what it means to be here to fulfill our created X-existence. And that along with our innate X-personally relevant, open-ended generative principle, rather than allowing ourselves to be mentally divided by wordy opinions in order to compete in ruling them.

1st Daughter 1D-DIFFERENTIATION - USP: Ip-THEORY: I-conceptualizing p-perception

- APS allows for the parameterizing of personal insights based on one‘s innate X1 open-ended generative principle in its analogy to another member with his or her X2 and desirable attitudes beginning with that of the emotional sync.

- This oegp-approach allows us to overcome the TRAP of the word-based intellect with its OPTION I mass-attractive denotations i.e. flying carpets in the spinning zeitgeist, and instead to rather fulfill one’s innate OPTION II.

B5-one's Life's fulfillment) We make use of Applied Personal Science which is missing in the institutionalized trees of „human“ knowledge work. The latter is based on words loaded with their general meaning, thus they are like magic flying carpets in the zeitgeist. In contrast, the truth that leads to your life’s fulfillment is of a substantial superior order, which is purposefully ignored by the 8 dark inner evil voices. They manipulate society by seducing each and every one of us. To preventatively overcome the consequences of the thinking catastrophe of those disrupting 8, we focus on understanding each other‘s X-being in life-practical ways. This is what a good engineer does with physics on the level of the immutable laws of nature and Murphy’s „laws“ of disruption. By ignoring the former, "humans" evoke situations like that on the Titanic....

2S-CALL TO ACTION based ion BRANDING the v-values of R-(re)solution

L3-Reframing knowledge work
) To walk the talk, we follow our inner call to action about the separation of the chaff of wordy talk and scam, from the grain of doing justice to each other‘s inner conscience about the purpose followed in action. That requires giving our life its innate meaning, which keeps us whole.

If that concerns you, I invite you to check out our GlobalFamily‘s Facebook Page. We make use of the GRACE of the inner family dynamic. What that really means, was uncovered by me in the first breakthrough of Applied Personal Science in 1979; it is the foundation of real bio-logical families and through them, truly desirable societies based on growing in the awareness of the experience of getting our X-being restored. Other than in an emotionally synched family, you are alone, apart from your Creator, in an otherwise wordy, cold society in its mass-attractive rat-race. Grace can happen to you even in a dark valley to you, to the degree you are open to the end of fulfilling your X-existence in generating your life with integrity and in synergy with others.

PS. That was a 2nd daughter Cinderella-like emotional appeal, hopefully, attractive to the Prince who is prepared to fulfill his oeg-principle HE really IS…

2D-FOLLOW-UP: aX ESSENTIAL: a-conscious X-existence
the GFm will then begin with practicing emotionally balanced relations with me see (3) Q&A examples to get ready to do it with each other.

3S-TEPOC: Mh PERSPECTIVE: M-maximal in h-inner space
The GF is not a top-down approach, its perspective comes from substantial 1-to-1 relationships on lifefulfilling ways; we walk the talk emotionally synched in synergy.

3D-SYNERGY: S! RELIGION: S-relax in what is !-essential
The SFm relax in the freedom from the 8 dark inner evil voices or OPTION I to become free to fulfill their own innate OPTION II which entails TRANScending OPTION I PRE-TRANS-TRAPS in emotionally synched relationship rather than disrupting them getting stuck in A-ager about misunderstanding and OPTION I PREjudices base on OPTION I category errors, TRAPS typical for the intellect to disguise it’s zeitgeist non-sequiturs.

Consider the BA resource pairs in relation to me or any 2D:

Who wants A with me


should be open for B




h-living space


M-maximal perspective

t-thinking considered



c-profile to be tangible



f-feeling met


b-balance it with others

p-perceive what is


I-conceptualize it




In short as a 2D,
I emotionally synch
Fa Mo 1S 1D 2S 2T 3S 3D with focusing on my inner resources of
Jt  yc   bf  Ip  vR aX Mh S! I shall let you know, which set applies
to your emotional role as soon as your emotional role is identified
and you have qualified in the following practice with me,
to do the
same with any other family member:

If you say a Mo focus on the BA pair corresponding to your emotional role, yc, then you walk the sufficient mile in my 2D emotional shoes to develop empathy for what I can offer you, and vice versa; if I focus on the same yc pair with those states of being, then I walk in the Mo-emotional shoe to appreciate what you can do for me as a Mo. So rather than freaking out about different emotions, we can transfer our contribution emotionally to the partner toward appreciating of possible synergy.

So when you state your desire for A, are you willing to

  1. chose that partner who has the matching emotional role to synch with you A, e.g. if I want the deal with y-necessities (A among a-M-J-y-b-I-S) that would be a Mo.
  2. open-up for the corresponding B rather than wanting the cake and eat it?

In the GlobalFamily the whole 8x8 Matrix is made available
for qualified members to emotionally synch with others, to restore
eustress in order to be able to grow in synergy towards
LifeFulfilling Platforms
on the planet!
What is X-existence without the a-inner experience?
Just intellectualized with words, mere mental idolatry!
Beware, half-empty intellectual minds will try to disrupt this
by all their wordy means and mass-manipulative tricks!
They will appeal to your own 8 dark evil inner voices,
challenging your §3-integrity:
Don't forget your "magic flute"
as in Mozart's opera "The Magic Flute", i.e. the aX-synch of
X-yourself with your a-conscience, ultimately opening
up for the Holy Spirit of the Creator and HIS superior order.

The FACT 1) is that the traditional intellectual OPTION I communication has served its purpose when it comes to real human systems; it no longer serves to answer your OPTION II existential questions on your B3-PATH - now that since Nov. 24, 2016, humanity is in the Age of Disruption. According to the Old Testament that age began for the God's chosen Israel with the destruction of its temple in Jerusalem, some 40 years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ - the role model for humanity's ongoing disruption of each other and its destruction of the living space Earth.

The mere psychological NKAB-story of my 2D-N Nurturing is actually based on my X-being's 9Pp-K knowledge with oegp-A Acting from identified B X-Blue prints. With it, I actually specifically transcend the -4 frustration with the labor of my 2D-emotional cycle based on modeling by demand, also Your beneficial OPTION II beyond the OPTION I based disruptions evoked by the overwhelming
M(ZG-?0, *3, +2/-4, %1-5-6, the 8 dark inner evil voices and with its underlying intellectually - artificial intelligence)-manipulative business. It is still based on an equalizing approach of adapting to common priorities, which requires pre-trans-trapping, up to burning substance such as in the past those seen as "witches", formerly among others, midwives, up to Jews in the holocaust, rainforests and oil, and wasting other non-sustainable resources, in war and "peace" with collateral damage from explosives. Australia-Texas-California, which meanwhile suffer heavily from forest fires, with Brazil economically heavily depend on the disruptive burning of coal-oil-forests to get their taxes for more cannibalizations. Their artificial politics can less and less afford long term, substantial strategies. Tactics, such as -4 against climate change; %1-politically correct 1D-value balancing business is preoccupied with short term B.A.N.K. adaptations to the priorities of opinions, physically similar to NLP. When insubstantial, this relieves people from really understanding each others substance, but that heats up closed, up to devil's circles. That applies to all the competing repair industries, from drugs to curing their side-effects, depending on uncontrolled thinking catastrophes to profitably repair its human catastrophes, human social risks and degeneration by the inner disruptive mobbing of solution-orientation through insubstantial discussions, which overwriting soul-felt conscience of still real human beings.

The verified OPTION II) is that in order to proceed on each other's B3-path, each and every one of us needs to relate to each other sufficiently to each other's B4-TRUTH that does justice to
Jt yc bf Ip vR aX Mh S!, the 16 inner stages of being)-orientation to his or her OPTION II's B5-LIFE's fulfillment. This is no longer achieved by competence-based education with its decreasing half-life time of relevance, and artificial intelligence's growing competence replacing the human ones. However, only substantial intelligence can keep the M / O = STRESS about the unaccounted for relationships truths at the eustress level where synergy is possible! "B.A.N.K"-business above, with its carelessly blind market economy can not do it for a real human being's conscience. Obviously only through considering the latter, can relationships be a blessing rather than a disruptive curse of addiction to the ZG-zeitgeist, which is more disruptive than ever with its insubstantially generalizing smart, nice-sounding wordy ways which artificially obscure substance.

The life-practical proven TRUTH 3) is, that the emotional synch approach above, allows the freedom from emotional disruption of graceless anger! And that is the first step we learn to practice in the GlobalFamily, leaving the failed intellectual approach to substantial relationships, behind us like Lot was told to do in the disrupting Sodom. You do not want to end up as a pillar of salt looking back like Lot's wife, or losing your soul like the Israelites in looking back to their Egypt's food, and idolatry onwards to the Golden Calf.

Contrary to "humans" with their smart wording, having become their own worst enemy beginning with their tongues capable of expressing the 8 dark inner evil voices, decent dogs with their great potential for empathy and emotional synchronization among each other, have become man's best friends. How about YOU; what has hurt you most so far, human tongues, hands or weapons; with what have YOU hurt others most?


What we need to learn here is the basics for the future B345-O-business; to replace addictions to detrimental M-business as so far usual, in order to reframe substance disruptive OPTION I organizations with OPTION II LifeFulfilling Platforms. According to the Financial Times: "The UK's failing economic model demands such bold ideas!". This change needs to happen before the point of NO return from the end of humanity as a cancerous mutual destructive constant repair society glorifying its success in ruthlessly cannibalizing to subdue Earth, creation, and creatures! However, the return on investment aspired to by the elite is still the glory of their antique cult of intellectually insubstantial wordy thinking catastrophes! Remember, the success of physics is based on mathematics, the laws of quantities, which are beyond opinions. Obviously in view of common sense in overcoming the insubstantial intellectually opinionating communication, we need to apply the personally relevant science#3 with sufficient substantial orientation. The first and most obvious necessary step is respect for O-orientation by the mutual emotional synchronization in appreciation of what the grace of substantial restoration allows. Continued in the 5t dimension...

© Copyright 2018, Dr. Peter Meier, Blog, Version: 21.08.2023 Privacy Policy Terms Attention Q&A
Gretchenfrage, Hinweis, für DichAnfragen:

My work ultimately aims at universities and media to get reframed by still real people beyond the zeitgeist from Courts of intellectual idolatry to LifeFulfilling Platforms; the sheople they mentally condition, to real human beings aware of their OPTION II: Lebenserfüllung