
Up YOUR CHOICE Testament Criterions
by Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier, Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich, Global Identity, Positionierung

DOC Peter's Testament to the GlobalFamily I

at its last shore [7:21 min. YouTube video]

January 31, 2020: The "corona" infotainment displaces the climate hype; the
personal fear the threat of humanity, outside China, is still about the 'others'.
Now we have a "Global Public Health Emergency" and Great Britain is getting
ready to become a laboratory for chaos - according to the media; guess
what with the new hypes of "corona" racism against Asian people making it
clear for those who withstand
mental disruption, what the underlying
global plague
is all about; thanks to 2S, all these evolved within a week...

1) Suicidology in the OPTION I world revealed

in a 2 months simulation of how in the OPTION I world in Local- and Global-Families I, people having chosen that 'red pill', evolve in their X-existence T-tension A-anger G-guilt gracelessly into collective suicide. Then as in one out of the 8 possible (XTAG) variations of emotional cycle of

  • ZG-zeitgeist Fa-fathered (FaFaFaFa) sheople shrink (like Fa do in view of a real birth-process, often fainting, thus usually removed from the scene), following their respective one of the 8 dark (insubstantial) inner (intellectual opinionating thinking catastrophes evoking) evil (hidden agenda)-voice  of the Serpent in paradise lost; supposedly 'free' from the emotional XTAG-duty to emo-sync in 1-to-1 relationships, as originally Adam and Eve were supposed to do in life fulfilling ways on Earth. However, following the Serpent, God said to Adam Genesis 3:17: "Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life" congruent to
    basic superior order with M/O=STRESS<DEATH, sheople rather want to be 'free' for an
  • ?0-illusionary Genesis 3:16: "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." onset to end up a vicious circle when mothers try to sublimate their (Mo3D2S2D) emotional duty (with ?0%6+2-4) to get rid of what disturbs them in indulging in 'mothering' the ?0 die-voice's seeming glamour. Thus arises the need for the 1S'

  • *3-survival (1S1s1S1s - zero-*3 sum-games) of just aiming at

  • %1-politically correct (1D3S1d3s zero-%1%5%1%5 sum-games) by means of %-mass

  • %5-manipulation with (3S1D3s1d zero-%5%1%5%1 sum-games) scaling them up with

  • %6-projections (3D2S2DMo - %6+2-4?0) of vicious brands to get

  • +2 more of the same (2S2DMo3D dutyfree +2-4?0%6) intellectualizing pre-trans-traps suppressing both undesirable disturbances preceding the trap of economic one-track mindedness, and even more fiercely, attempts to transcend such dead ends before the point of NO return. Remember, John the Baptist was beheaded, Jesus crucified in place of the terrorist, legitimized through people with the above trickeries crying "Crucify HIM!"! The terrorist was falsely pardoned, and Jesus falsely, was found really guilty. Execution was left to the 2S-Pilate responsible for +2 wealth for the Roman ZG-Empire. Thus the %6-ZG-stirrers and a little less, the +2>%5-Roman Governor, could washed their hands in 'innocence'...  

  • -4 frustrating consequences of 2DMo3D2S duty sublimated with -4?0%6+2, evoke victim power against scapegoating. However, 'Revenge is mine said the Lord' who led people in the EXODUS out of Egypt's OPTION I idolatry towards the possible OPTION II land; for those who believe in Jesus, it is their B3-PATH which in their personally relevant B4-TRUTH leads to their B5-LIFEfulfillment; by the respective task-fulfillment, YOU become part of the solution, towards LifeFulfilling Platforms.

Before the good news below, you need to experience what happens in collectives when otherwise nice people turn into sheople as soon as they are with others. And then, they give up their substantial e-motional duties, and rather displace) their cornerstones as stumbling blocks for their die-voices; selling their souls to be "in" the OPTION I rat-race of the 8die-voices for mass-attractivity:

Fa-fathers provide the intellectual basic ZG-template when they go along the ZG-zeitgeist disrupting themselves then others into ?0-idealisations, trying to gain charisma  by coping with their fear of losing their position, they *3-plann to maintain their authority with dark, i.e. insubstantial ego-reactions, and with their usurped position power, insist on the family to go along with their %1-political correctness to deal with the intellectual ZG-topics with standard hypes. Examples are bestselling book authors who who write successfully about the Fa-feelings about success. At first, Fa-e-motions enact their inner suicide by leaving a mass-attractive mark in the ZG to get a top branded position, so that they become successful in multiplication - now this is the prime focus in money-making in the online business - tremendous corruption - inflicting political pain in fear of emo-syncing with real people:

Mo-mothers giving meaning to fathered ?0-ideations so as to survive become entangled as black widows and begin to T-tensely wither away with 3D-like %6-projection of victim power. When they become A-angry in failing to become +2 more 2S-effective, they become G-guilty about not being 2D-effective movers. To sublimate their 2D-G-guilt in their -4 frustration, they gracelessly throw their lives away  – as the Swiss intellectuals do with their hidden agenda of sacrificing the Swiss sovereignty to the EU, globally with the motto: “Rape the people, rape the planet and run off to another one!”. That worked a while for European migrants pissed off with the dark side of Europe. But under OPTION I, in the end, the result is the vicious circle humanity is now pre-trans-trapped in, in the present 'flea circus' of

The Age of Disruption in T-tension - A-anger - G-guilt:

1st Sons follow-up the ZG-fathered planning to *3-survive vicious circles by disrupting those *plans (m) with their zero-sum-games, first within themselves and then with others, yo-yo-ing between white and black ZG-*(riding) knighthood, until they fall in more or less heroic encounters, when the father's empire strikes back at such *presumptuous (rising) competitions...

1st Daughters value tradition and tend to sacrifice their lives in their attempt to insist on pre-trans-trapping humanity into their respective %1-political correctness up to the peak of their impotence, where the ZG-zeitgeist evokes their fall when they fall behind and thus PREcede its self-destructive dynamic; infamous 1D-Hitler ended shooting his mistress, his dog and then himself, Cinderella’s step-sister cut her foot in her attempt to entangle the prince, with her T-focus on her tense 3S-hidden agenda in graceless G-guilt about preaching water and drinking wine. Any possible creative, TRANScending solution, hers and those of others are thus inhibited by the 1D 4-track XTAG minded 1D-3S-1d-3s... zero-sum game. Then 1D-3S-1d-3s then becomes like a flee-circus model, as above, like the evolution of the intellect, pretending with its thinking catastrophes that 'all is evolutionary energies' in the vain hope that the 'Phoenix' will always rise out of its ashes. The stpry is more terrible such as what was left after the 1D-American atom bomb in Hiroshima...

3S-learns his lessons when he goes beyond the above ZG-tradition - trendy succession, to a 'new' ZG beyond the dark 1D-side of this T-G, when the attempt of his 3S-X-A to top everybody; just like Icarus who flew too high so his waxed-wings melted in the sun. In his 1D-like T-tension about himself in his own 3s-like A-anger, a 3S without admitting his 1s G-guilt winds himself up into his very own graceless concentration camp's human catastrophes when playing the graceless 3S-1D-3s-1d... zero-sum game, rather like that on the stock exchange.

3D-stupidity amplifiers %6-projects attention onto the skeletons in the intellectualized cupboard of real, bloody disrupting ‘human’-history. This gives rise to some so far hidden aspects of personally-neutral organized science#2 such as of ‘health’ professionals, who often just appeases people, so they can be more easily divided to be ruled. The 3D devises a way of living much like those of court jesters in order to hang around the king's ZG, to %6-allegedly save lives and prevent suicide from destroying families and communities. This has led to the now INTER-National-socialist globalization. In 2020, Great Britain has carried out a 3D-BREXIT decision which makes everybody wonder whether this is a PATTERN BREAK from the intellectual thinking catastrophe of the European Union, or the next step into a vicious circle in which Great Britain will fall apart.

2S-are left to efficiently design and execute man-made systems to maintain collectives even up to the military options under OPTION I's M-application of manipulation Know-how. This is what 2S-Germany is famous for; for its external technological alternative to the former Fa-ZG-nobility. Now this approach allows for the expression of +2 more greed for all consumers and speculators; the cancer of the living space Earth.

2D-last but not least, somebody has to carry, the -4 frustrating cross of pointing out, against all better knowledge, the still mostly hated fact that M / O= STRESS < DEATH, the relationship truth for substantial O-orientation! Where this is ignored, the 2D becomes the ideal scapegoat, as the Jews were for Hitler, so that the GlobalFamily I can go on in its vicious circle of business as ?0-*3-%1 usual, mutating towards the next, to be fathered trend in the ZG-zeitgeist. So don't be surprised if you get a pre-emptive strike from a 2D,  as did the Arabs with their evil agenda to drive all Israelites into the sea in the 6-Day-War 1967; with all the following human catastrophes.

In short, the main thing for the 8die-voices' applied suicidiology in relation to OPTION II substance in favor of the present ZG-zeitgeist is that "humans" remain in the pre-trans-trapping vicious circles, disrupted by zero-sum power games, such as the present Israel-Palestine madness, and so on. The ZG's riders' hidden agenda is to inhibit 1-to-1 SYNERGY ultimately even in procreation. At the end of the first simulation of the GlobalFamily I, there were just 2 active voices left, the "new 2D-Adam and 3S-Eve'. They were then joined by a 2S to work on reminding you that it is time to become realistic about -4 warnings of the %5-dominating M-manipulation which lack relevant O-orientation to keep M/O at the level of healthy eustress, i.e. where synergy is still possible for a desirably lifefulfilling future with substantial L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence before the point of NO return. At the same time OPTION I sheople retain blind trust in the traditionally fathered ?0-*3-%1 evolution, %5-mutated by +2 more and more globally synchronized %6-projections of scam to inhibit any 2D voices. They are rather slandered as -4 frustratingly incomprehensible, even at the abyss of the ZG, a step further dramatizing the Beelzebub strategy in the intellectual MATRIX, never mind that it collapsed for good on Nov. 24, 2016!

2) Basic results achieved by Emo-Syncing

A) A proven way to become free from disruptions:


1) Allow a 1-to-1 emo-sync session with 2D-me

2) Practice aX-emo-syncing with your X-self

    until your a-conscience overcomes the eight
dark inner evil voices in yourself and others

3) emo-sync 1-to-1 with DOC Peter as above indicated *repeats 1)

4) Qualify to emo-sync first with qualified ones,
    then with everybody towards SYNERGY so

    exchange of project-oriented competence allows

     Life- through Tasks-Fulfillment – all based on the
    otherwise missing
Applied Personal Science APS©.

B) Then you can see all the ?0-illusionary OPTION I mud, suffocation, hardness, and stubbornness AND keep your OPTION II roots as the most §0-resilient experience in your X-existence, just as live on Earth is surviving beyond the 8die-voices with their 89440 basic hypes floating on flying carpets in the man-made ZG. The fact is, most people were born innately EMO-SYNCING naturally. However, they can continue to do so later only to the degree their minds are free from the intellect's pollution with it’s 8 dark inner evil voices. Proof: Children and many so-called primitive non-urban people, and even among other creatures, dogs, elephants, and dolphins, do it, but mostly not at all among others, intellectually minded, above all, their best at it, most literally-minded professors of the humanities, and dead-letter 'Christians'. The latter cause most of traumatized people, who have gone crazy about words in their disrupted minds and nervous systems along their respective specific die-voice! As an example of the difficulty look at the intellectual manpower of 3D-3D-Great Britain and that of the 3S-European Union mentalities, both of which have so far historically failed to set up a lifefulfilling relationship which is only possible if they were to be Ip-emo-synced. And that is on a level closest to science, and requires just available I-concepts that model p-perception with some common, instead of evil sense with hidden agendas.

C) Dealing with the 8die-voices requires ‘marshal mental art’
Follow what you have understood, and what you are a-conscious of, accepting that everything you are not emo-synced with, should be considered as an experiment to learn to fulfill your life from anyway
1) how to not get your X-substance further disrupted in zero-sum games
 ending in vicious circles
2) then how to prevent OPTION I from destroying humanity
 beyond the point of No return from its evil psycho-history
3) in view of that bottleneck, get clear about the task for you
    to fulfill
4) how to emo-sync with those still available for synergy,
to have a chance of fulfilling your OPTION II!

D) In short, !-essential R-(re)solutions entail breaking the patterns of zero-sum *3 %5<>%1 1-to-many ZG-disrupting power ?0-*3-%1-games! However, some sheople prefer to
- push others into ?0>%6>+2>-4 vicious circles to
- top them in the 1-to-may short-terms hoping to
- %5-capitalize on such insubstantial zero-sum games,
in which sheople ignore the risk of falling into the traps they have set-up themselves,
they advice each other to
- first back-off from emo-syncing, and then to
- better 1-to-many regroup to get a common return on investment
from putting a scapegoat to the stake! And that is not simply tactical so as not to lose mass-attractivity. It results from dropping in A-anger, disgraceful into G-guilt and/or your body for victim-power, or as a perpetrator! Rather become aware of your X-substance behind the cells, where the B4-truth leads to your B5-life, and start to establish the routine of life- through task-fulfillment. That is only possible within the H2-superior order, not the man-made one inhibiting understanding the H2- former! Then timely-exchange of OPTION II project-oriented competence in 1-to-1 emo-syncing allows the synergy required to set up LifeFulfilling Platforms beyond the former zero-game tricks with insubstantial arguments in mutually disruptive debates.
Here is an example of how intellectuals with a Lego-mentality ride the trend of those who really model the H2-superior order of physics; from this video...

... you can get a ?0-glimpse in awe of the way the video-maker branded Newton, but you gain no real understanding of why the moon has not yet fallen down, and why the moon has *3-survived the earth's billions of years of gravity pull, let alone what Newton really achieved by transcending intellectual language with the truly adequate way to express the laws of nature! Cultivating this lack in education by forcing parents to send their children in real life-failing schools, results in desired mindsets for sheople to be condemned to remain %1-political correct in awe of the worldly intellectual elite's slandering of understanding! Thus most sheople are made to remain -4 frustrated at mathematics and the inner coherence required for an understanding of how to use physics in more than just applying simple +2 technology beyond the master's instructions. That keeps the monopoly to use power with the state. Too bad, meanwhile that a creep like Kim Jong-un can blackmail the world with his black art to instrumentalize his scientists to make atom bombs available to him by simply pressing a bottom. Too bad, science is no longer trustworthy and with it, nobody of missing the science this site is about, can really understands self, let alone anybody else's meaning of existence. What is left is opinionating about and prejudging formal appearance, and experiencing 'anything goes' arts#0 and the human catastrophes wordy-personally-neutral humanities#2 and the content-free quantitative hard sciences#1 have made possible.

This testament is about my legacy of having made the missing Applied Personal Science operational to point out real human's inner potential B2-breakthrough - provided sufficient people begin to practice what intellectuals abhor, implementing emo-syncing and beyond that, as outlined above, as long as they are not stuck in the human catastrophes their thinking catastrophes evoke. Against this OPTION II stands the OPTION I black art way it to to make people to be ruled, sheople. The latter can be conditioned to endure they destiny the elite evokes for them with their vicious circles of the disrupting zero-sum-games. All sheople need to be taught at school, are the 8die-voices. And those are now enhanced by all means at any price for their elite's simple-minded mass-attractivity! This seems to allow the elite to let the sheople pay for the consequence while the elite gets away with cannibalize the substance for their usurped privileges - though for the price of their souls lost that way.  We shall soon see where that leads to: after all the great Communist revolutions, and now with a much more efficient high-tech economy, China is still in the same situation as the  boiling frog - jumping up and down and always hitting the same ceiling - its elite, like those in the Kremlin, trembling in fear, in most universities courtyards, the professors are trembling in guilt behind their fig-leaves that people might wake up and call the bluff - such as in Hongkong...! AND YOU?


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Gretchenfrage, Hinweis, für DichAnfragen:

My work ultimately aims at universities and media to get reframed by still real people beyond the zeitgeist from Courts of intellectual idolatry to LifeFulfilling Platforms; the sheople they mentally condition, to real human beings aware of their OPTION II: Lebenserfüllung