
Up My DOC Thesis Implemention Bottleneck Relationships
by Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier, Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich, Global Identity, Positionierung

222-Implementing the Bottom Line towards Synergy

January 14, 2020: (2 MONTH after the conception of the GlobalFamily) 2020
This fetus has survived the critical 2 months' attempts to abort it!

Once upon a time a 2D-princess (me right in the picture) was misused by the Swiss intellectual elite's lackeys and so she left hoping for a better kingdom. Within 2 DAYS after she had arrived in Calgary (Canada) on Nov. 1, 2019, fed up with being misjudged by the Swiss intellectual Rumpelstiltskin's misjudging her modeling of their opinions by relationship truth, i.e. their straw beyond their exclusively demanded golden, i.e mass-attractive dark inner evil voices' hypes. The met the shinning 1S-white knighted 1S-Prince (left in the picture) near Canada's Banff castle (right top corner mystified). Those bf-emo-synced their awesome substantially royal beings and fathered the GlobalFamily. Within 2 WEEKS in the 1S's Lodge, the substance of the GlobalFamily, emo-syncing was tested in life-practical ways and became fully operational as the basis, for the personally relevant attitude to allow synergy in relationships beyond the 8die-voices used to brand a profitable career under OPTION I. Now that 2 MONTHS have passed in the valley of the shadow of having had to overcome disrupting attempts by the internal and external 8die-voices and facing the T-tense Fa-father king, evoking the TRADITIONAL ?0-illusions in Mo-mothers, the question is whether the 1S-1st son prince can *3-survive the Fa's A-anger when faced with his SUCCESSION or whether he falls back. That became clear when the 1S-hopeful prince introduced his King to the 2D-inner alternative princess. She immediately tried to tR-emo-sync with the Fa-father Treblig (left in picture). She insisted to gain an understanding for transforming her -4 die-voice, that the time has come for a summary of the lessons which need to be faced in the GlobalFamily. Thus performing her 2D-duty to make sure, the GlobalFamily can be moved beyond just becoming another traditional succession with some social media hypes by which dark 1S-knights, T-tense in their G-guilt will just pursue their mass-attractive *3-survival, under the protection of the Fa's ZG-zeitgeist's OPTION I domination, entertainingly comforting people with some Mo-motherly ?0-illusions. At that moment at the Fa-Mo table, the 1S between Fa and 2D, the 1D steps in with a %1-politically correct hidden agenda, to ignore the 2D like Cinderella but to leave her on the OPTION I menu to discuss her as a danger to traditions' succession. In short, she is no longer welcome at the traditional table anymore after she has come out with her challenge of the Fa-ZG-King. At this point a weak-spirited 2S senses his chance to get some attention at the table for his +2 die-voice's suggesting more of the same with a proposal to get something more desirable out of the 2D. And so he made her spin straw into gold in return for not getting disrupted into a scapegoat keeping her busy to no longer challenging the traditional table's feast after burning the participants children, i.e. offering their souls for their positions und OPTION I. However, that 2D-princess could not be blackmailed into giving in to the unholy alliance between the black 1D-widow and the 2S-Rumpelstiltskin;

- the former 1D, having tried to %1 talk the 2D-pricesses into aborting, any substance made possible with the initial bf-emo-syncing with the 1S-white knight, into the "all-energy" hell, in the 'higher' interest of the *3-survival business as usual in this Age of Disruption and for which

- the 2S tried to bribe the 2D-princesses to work for; after breaking his pretended emo-synced promise to help her to work out the inner, towards a really desirable outer alternative in the GlobalFamily.


  • in fear of emo-syncing, also put any real human's substance, above all any 2D-duty, on the menu of some OPTION I table which sacrifices disturbing e-emotional energies' duties to give birth, so that another OPTION II child can be devoured by the Fa-Mo 1S-1D formally darkly closed, i.e. self-destructive stomach. With its hick-ups, i.e. discussions that evoke more and more stillbirths of solutions, by throwing out such babies with opinions orchestrating table rounds. There ?0-illusionary Mo-mothers allow for 1S-black knights to *3-survive aborted emo-synced relationships by instead, instrumentalizing among others weak spirited 2S in order to make the mobbing of the 2D more subtly efficient with victim power. Then the black 1S-knight can maintain his mass-attractivity, to afford to let the 2S have an inferior place at the table; on stand-by depended for such future services of getting rid of the disturbing 2D as dictated by Cinderella's stepdaughter. And so the insubstantial 2S's outer alternatives of +2 more of the same prevail if at all, at the traditional tables. Then human catastrophes take usurp the challenging duty of the 2D to maintain the intellectual thinking catastrophes at any price, such as having to cut one's feet like Cinderella's stepdaughter, e.g. the controller in Fukushima's atom reactors were forced to falsify their report by spin doctors of the Rumpelstilzkin's kind to please the Japanese's 1S-princely ruling mentality. In Australia's burning 2020 the 2D-cry is that the destructive leadership, a major part of the problem, must change; YOU towards the 1-to-1 solutions to

  • follow your con-science, by learning to practice emo-syncing in the GlobalFamily, first with me as with any other 2D, YOU as a

  • 3D(%6/S!): S-relaxing with me without simply mass-attractive %6-projections to allow our !-essential OPTION II qualification.

  • 3S(%5/Mh): Brainstorm with me without a hidden %5-manipulative agenda towards a mutual M-maximal perspective with what we can achieve in our respective h-living and working space for life- through task-fulfillment

  • 2D(-4/aX): Me with myself like anybody else with him- or her X-self, and me with other 2D in respecting each other's X-being and opening-up for each other's a-conscience beyond -4 dissatisfaction with the world. The 2D apart from being the favorite scapegoat for "good" OPTION I reasons as history shows, has another outstanding quality (like any real human being), i.e. the 2D-'womb', i.e. support system's A-anger is it's corresponding 2S-'fetus', i.e. expert. This allows an outstanding inner understanding of emotional cause and effect, while most people with the other 7 emotional cycles complain to 'not understand' and then do not bother anymore which of course make more or less (the more I began to understand), A-angry! However, there is no meaningful excuse for X-existential understanding! It is possible with aX-emo-syncing with your X-awareness open for your a-conscience beyond generalizing meditation. Eventually, that makes the difference between thriving and self-destructive communities, such as those which misused Jews! You see my insight have incredible implications, far beyond me! At the beginning some were almost too heavy for me too...

    Mo-Fa          1D-1S            2D-2S        3D-3S    Duties
    ?0  ZG          %1 *3         [-4] +2       %5 %6 8die-voices

  • 2S(+2/pI): Sharing our p-perception toward I-conceptualizing the 2D-inner, coherently towards the 2S outer alternative, without falling for the +2 greed of more of the worldly concretization ending-up as a useful idiot, i.e. a 2nd class prince for an other-determined reward and punishment.

  • 1D(%1/vR): Appreciating each other's v-values beyond %1-political correctness, towards OPTION II based R-(re)solutions to preventively prevent pre-trans-trapping intellectual OPTION I concentration camps to rather make cradles for OPTION II fulfillment than coffins for the 'collateral damages' of enforcing PTION I thinking catastrophes...

  • 1S(*3/bf): Loyalty in b-balancing each other's f-feelings beyond *3-egoistic social Darwinism at the cost of having to scapegoat the 2D-emotional duty and one's substance in a mass-attractively exemplary inner suicide.

  • Mo(%6/yc): Co-operating in dealing with the real y-necessities by c-profiling them uncompromised by alluring ?0-illusions about inner and outer 8die-voices.

  • Fa(ZG/Jt): Blessing each other's t-thinking about substantial J-self-justification, instead of arguing about the ZG-zeitgeist evolution myths of getting more subtle in cursing a-conscience based X-existence, thus disrupting people in themselves and dividing them from their conscience to maintain one's OPTION I top position by inhibiting any OPTION II...

Then you are qualified in the relationship with me, upon request you can learn to emo-synch within the GlobalFamily say with 1S-Melissa, then with others within and outside the GlobalFamily, with all people to be identified in their one out of eight emotional duties towards being part of giving birth to lifefulfillment, on the basis of YOUR OPTION II to become part of the solution to TRANScend the evil intellectually based OPTION I' 8die-voices; now getting urgent, before the point of NO return:


The above basics actually model humanity now being a mere stomach devouring life on this planet as its cancer, and the pointing to the turnaround from this dead-end. And guess what, the former, i.e. without the emo-syncing way out, is precisely how Hollywood structured the recent films for preparing humanity, up to Nov. 24, 2016, for and since then, maintaining the present Age for Disruption with such films as, "The Money Monster": In the Fa-ZG-context of the stock-exchange, Mo-Lee Gates (George Clooney) keeps his TV-show fans in ?0-illusions so they can be sucked in to play the stock exchange at his hints, for which he is paid princely. And he is protected by in his *3-survival by the 1S-police chiefs, the seemingly white, but rather a dumb squad, who in the end shoots the -4 frustrated 2D victim who lost all his money in following the monster. In between the 1D with her hypes to restore the smokescreen of %1-political correctness and the 'useful idiot' 2S, played by Julia Roberts, and technicians & Co. who made the whole world see it all. That plot is a 2D, fallen for her die-voice of -4 frustration, with a real revolver and a fake explosive vest tries to force clarity in his 3D-anger as an insubstantial global stupidity amplifier from the perpetrators via breaking into Lee Gates TV-show, taking him hostage, forcing him into the self-suicide vest, that 2D at the trigger. In the end, as too often, the real villain with his 800 Mio. scam in the digital darkness probably gets away, and can even get paid by accusing the Mo-mother (Lee Gates) of hitting him in public when she finally realized his monstrosity, which she also fell for, fallen for the plentiful money for her media hypes to support the former. And last but not least, the 3D-media bosses get their boom and clicks from the worldly entertainment with the 3S-initiatives to grab money from each other.

In short, with such films Hollywood is in the service of maintaining the zeitgeist's, i.e. according to the Bible, the Devils' rule under the OPTION I. It multiplies the whole stupidity of mutual disruption as a spectacle like the Roman Coliseums did with some 70'000 slaughtered human life. About the same number was used by the Nazi psychiatrist for the prototype that was scaled up 100 fold into the final holocaust at Hitler's order. Most of the formers got away with their blue, i.e. 'scientifically justified murders! The intellectualized 8die-voices such as Rumpelstiltskin alias 2S-die-voice of the +2 Devil just need weak, or even better, insubstantial spirits to spread the OPTION I intellectual cancer in mankind such as with Hollywood's, formerly clerical-philosophical substance-hating viral templates. Through all ages, the zeitgeist as various "gods", was clearly worked out along the above model - of course with pseudo-emo-syncing with its outside splendor such as that of the witches hut in "Hänsel and Gretel", and when the Pharisees and Scribes invited Jesus for dinner. The as soon as those who follow the 2D-emotional duty like Moses who eventually overcame his fear from being backstabbed as he did with the Golden Calf mob, showed some weakness, they could be crucified as scapegoats. In the film, the young perpetrator of the money monster was, of course, shot the American way, and with it once more, OPTION II and its thus made otherwise missing science, were inhibited.

Please compare the above to the red line in the Bible: In the Old Testament,

- God-Father, in his creative T-tensions, LOVE-CODED, created Creation with it Creatures, on top, Adam for HIM to emo-synch with,  and for Adam, Eve to emo-sync with him in God's order hopefully towards synergy for Life- through Task-Fulfillment.

- Then came the snake, HATE-CODED,  instrumentalizing Eve with the intellectual word power games of the 8die-voices to become a contagious mental disease in humanity.

- Then God in his A-anger focused on the timeframe of humanity of about a thousand years in view of the *3-survival of his chosen people on the basis of the 10 Commandments to overcome the 8die-voices towards humanity's self-destruction, among other things with correspondingly drastic measures such as the Flood, the annihilation of Sodom and Gomorrah, right up to the toughest challenges of Abraham and Isaac. His ultimate opponent evolved into King Solomon, the idol of intellectual's who fall for the 8die-voices of his numerous mistresses with their idols and demands, even up to child sacrifices. In his G-guilt of having failed with humanity,

In the New Testament, God focused on a 33 times shorter, 33 year time frame of a generation of "humans"; in a real human being up to getting clarity about his or her B3-path. So he sent Jesus, who at first in his X-being Mo-mothered Israel, and when this failed under the then intellectual OPTION I at its peak in the Roman Empire, i.e. Jesus got ultimately refused by out casting him from the table and putting him on the menu of the local representative of the Roman Empire's zeitgeist, Pilate for crucifixion. This was achieved by focusing the T-tension with 1-to-many psycho-political communication on people to cry: "Crucify him!", so Pilate could "wash his hands in innocence" and the really G-guilty intellectually minded temple-Pharisees and palace-Scribes ones could go on another 40 years of dividing to rule people, until the point of NO return for Israel when the temple was destroyed by the Romans and the people dispersed all over the world. Similarly Moses had the Golden Calf pulverized and put into the soup of the mob of dancers around it to eat!

Such is how the 1-to-my Evil Empire at that time stroke back against Jesus with its pre-trans-trapping stumbling blocks aimed at Jesus' cornerstones about real human LIFE-fulfillment on each and everyone's PATH, in the personally relevant TRUTH. He, in contrast to the enemy of his OPTION II walked his talk beyond their 8die-voices. In his T-tension he was fulfilling his God-Father-Creator given task. Before his own Life- through Task-Fulfillment, he  prepared his disciples in the tense 3D-emotion to continue after he left them with the a-Holy spirit. Contrary to the 1-to-many disrupting intellectual, insubstantially hate-coded ways based on the hidden agenda of the Beelzebub strategy of his enemies, Jesus emo-synced with real human beings in X-G graceful 1-to-one Love-coded ways; in synergy, healing relationships with those who believed in him. These are those who still allow their soul to experience the meaning of what really happens between real human beings.

The ultimate manifestation of the Enemy of any OPTION II was arouse by Hitler's 1D dark inner evil %1-voice, +2 amplified up to the hell of the Holocaust and worse, in Fa-Stalin's Gulag, 2S-Mao's disrupting cultural revolution; the prototypes for all humanity to become the self-destructive cancer on Earth. Mao's evil traumatized Fa-Xi-Jinping towards it now perfected freezing of people's OPTION II in the high tech artificial intelligent way of a reward and punishment MATRIX which slanders the Creators H2-superior order of live- in favor of Beelzebub strategy's-fulfillment.

When Jesus' time to end as a scapegoat under OPTION I had came by the WE-master-minded elite's disruptive communication turning into provocations, he, under the worst imaginable conditions up to his death nailed on the cross by the 8die-voices, gave an example of not getting stuck in A-anger in ?0-illusions about God. This contrasts with Rumpelstiltskin types playing with the 2S-tempting dark emotional disrupting energy of death. Jesus, however, overcame the worlds' ?0-illusions with HIS substantial §3-integrity up to his last breath and after 3 days, beyond the grave. And then, beyond all expectations and temptations, such as that of Judas betrayal for 30 silver coins, and Peter's denial, when the cock cried three times, Jesus manifested what underneath all the 8die-voices, is substantial in all the possible 8 emotional T-A-G cycles; the innate potential for graceful X-resurrection out of the dark valley of human G-guilt, in case of Jesus his outstanding TRANScending ascendance into the 'heaven' of his OPTION II true X-existence. That is the way Jesus fulfilled his life on Earth, according to the Bible, which is adequately modeled by the Mo/4Bm-B3>1 oeg-principle;  on his B3-path qualifying with dealing with what is >1 very bad, the ZG-Devil's three temptations by the three OPTION I poisoned 'fruits from the tree of knowledge work'; top-down from temples#0 with ZG-?0 idolatry, via the palaces#2's intellectual %1-correctness about %5-manipulating real humans branded as "humans", i.e. sheople, with ZG-zeitgeist bound %6-projections of hyped-up ideologies. The result are sheople; people#1, their *3-ego divided by +2 greedily driven M-manipulation, -4 frustrated in their intellectually imposed PRE-TRANS-TRAPs by all kind of pseudo O-orientation, i.e. spin, rapped in it, impotent to take responsibility for their
M / O = STRESS, below eustress in fear of self-determined task-fulfillment, above it, in distress disrupted to sublimate lifefulfillment beyond the point of NO return from mutating in distress to waste and unfulfill life to DEATH.

ExistenceDisruptorMutation towards
human CreaturesIntellect“Humans”
King SalomonIdolatrycurse of Israel
JesusTheo-Logy“God’s Son”
Bible - GodScribesstrong literature figure
ChurchInquisition IdeologiesWorld Wars
TechnologyCapitalismClimate Catastrophe
GlobalFamily with OPTION IIdisruptive chats Vicious Circles
1-to-1 emo-synced1-to-many graceless victim power
insightsbrands Zero-Sum-Game
CreationArtificial Intelligencevirtual reality


So NOW, the GlobalFamily needs to deal with an even 33 times shorter time frame of the 9 month 'pregnancies' after sufficient people's a-conceived insights from the 'HOLY', i.e. substantial, beyond the ZG-zeitgeist's insubstantial SPIRIT, beyond the 2 critical months where "black widows" & Co. with their 8die-voices pock around aiming at aborting any OPTION II, beyond it to not just survive, but to growing with §3-integrity through the first year after conception, until the inner responsibility allows substantial M / O decisions, at first expressed in 'smile and cry' ways seeking emo-syncing. That is the time frame now left for humanity, in the GlobalFamily I for sheople living in the ?0-illusions to merely *3-survive going along with %1-political correctness. AND YOU - what is you choice now in the Age of Disruption since Nov. 24, 2016; now in 2020 shortly before the point of NO return from self-destruction!


YOU ARE CALLED TO BECOME PART OF THE SOLUTION - IF YOU FAIL by defaulting to the 8die-voices - WHO IS LEFT? Rumpelstiltskin and the Golden Calve in a self-destructive MATRIX!

The OPTION II MASTER PLAN requires MASTERS with sufficient §3-integrity to walk the 222-implementation talk - if necessary for up to 2 MONTHS through the valley of disrupting darkness, in order to qualify for as DOC, Directors Of at least emo-syncing Communication in their local circles of real people!

So please proceed to drill deeper by checking

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Gretchenfrage, Hinweis, für DichAnfragen:

My work ultimately aims at universities and media to get reframed by still real people beyond the zeitgeist from Courts of intellectual idolatry to LifeFulfilling Platforms; the sheople they mentally condition, to real human beings aware of their OPTION II: Lebenserfüllung