Up YOUR CHOICE Testament Criterions
by Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier, Bachmattstr. 23, CH-8048 Zürich, Global Identity, Positionierung

Make up your Mind before the Point of NO Return

January 27, 2020: The "flu" disrupts China for the coronation of the
New World's Order under the corona crown's with it's 8 diamonds of
the 8 dark inner evil voices' glamour...

Here I present the GlobalFamily I to you after the mutation of its original substance, by the dynamic underlying the global some 6000 year of insubstantial Psycho-History. It's documented simulation within 2 Month furthers the understanding of the OPTION I inner self-destructive dynamic: At the beginning of the evolution of the ZG-zeitgeist, was the wordy definition of what lead to the psyche-logy of the Jungian un-conscience about the UNKNOWN GOD (Acts 17:2) in Athens as mentioned by Apostle Paul. And that ZG's

- Fa-fathering of the ZG-god, has so far DISRUPTED real, X-personally-relevant human substance into its three associated dark inner evil-voices about the respective emotional duty to bring the substantial inside out demeaned by the
* Mo-motherly ?0-illusions to chicken out
* 1S-dark princely *3 survival ego maintaining his opinions, and
* 1D-Cinderella step-sister like %1-politically correct way of claiming the freedom of valuing any thing that goes in the ZG.

With this evil trinity in forming ZG-empires, thes rose and fell into

- EVIL VICIOUS CIRCLES topped by ?0-illusionary temples#0, formatting the ruling palaces#2, by dividing the personally relevant e-motional duties in people's#1's minds with hypes of ZG-mass-attractive 8*7*6*5*4*3*2 + 8*7*6*5*4*3 +8*7*6*5*4 +8*7*6*5 +8*7*6 + 8*7 + 8 = 69280 possible collages of fig leaves spun by the 8 dark inner evil-voices. The aim is to pre-trans-trap

1) the stupidity amplified by %6-projecting 3D-Court Jester like intellectual think-catastrophes pre-ceding the ZG in ongoing discussions in the media, in politics and science organized under OPTION I to further that rat-race for mass-attractivity,

2) in order to trap substance in brands to get +2 more of the same 2S-useful greed to be produced by 'useful idiots' so they cannot know what they really do, trapped in terms of being considered incapable of succeeding in the Mo-Fa tradition. That avenue is left to the 1S-*3 succeeding survival; the 2S is just placed to be good enough to make OPTION I +2 more efficient, in discussions using the ZG-denotations of words and their personal-neutral flow, so

3) any personal-relevant OPTION II which could transcends the viciously self-destructive evil OPTION I is trapped to be mobbed into meaninglessness. This is to formally, first intellectually, then the hard way, to eliminate any -4 discontent expresed by the 2D being earnest about her emotional duty first laid down in the 10 Commandments to the disgust of all empires. And so, at first the 2D-jewih culture was degraded into being Cinderella-type slaves, or as deserted as princesses just good enough to spin straw (opinions) into gold; OPTION I sciences' fruits of knowledge to scapegoat them where that was not good enough in order to maintain the corrupt OPTION I cults. That has left a bloody trail up to the World Wars, ultimately to legitimize the Holocaust and further mass-murder up to the cannibalization of the nailed down living space Earth. And that history has been embellished (Vatican) by Mo-black widows with glorious ?0-stories that led to 2D-'witch' burning, the Inquisition, evil ideological wars and worse at the bottom of black-Mo directed vicious scapegoating circles to relieve the ZG-zeitgeist from its stumbling blocks of
- OPTION II (the white spots in its dark-art sciences), for
- 1S-black knights *3 survival
- for the sake %1-thinking catastrophes' ashes,
so that the OPTION I show can go on in

business as usual in the  

- So in this manner what remains for the 1S-prince is to *3-survive to maintain a Zero-Sum-Game (ZSG) enough to maintain his status as a white knight, but not enough dark-knight ego-evil-power games to provoke the black insubstantial disrupting ZG-Father's A-angry wrath for suspecting his 1S wanting to usurp his OPTION I kingdom in this world. Now in the ZG-Fa Age of Disruption since Nov. 24, 2016, the black 1S brand themselves for the succession leaving the kingdom under the ZG-Damocles Sword of Fear of Fa-1S fear's of each other of escalation of into open Shakespeare type tragedies (man-man's greatest enemy such as in the devastating Thirty-Year War 1418-48) as intended by the ZG-Beelzebub strategy of divide and rule to cannibalize any Cresators task-fulfillment!

- The remaining 3S in his dark obsession, careless of tradition, to selfishly top them all in his %5-manipulating A-anger about being less successful than his older 1S-princely, and his 2S-efficient brothers, resorts to 1D-like methods of %1-onviction by carrot and the stick. In that T-tense focus, he becomes G-guilty of overdoing it, ending up as a lost son, begging trapped in his ZSG Fa-father and Mo-mother to not let him fall beyond the point of no return to go on yo-yoing between rise and fall like Sisyphus...

- That provokes the 1D to get A-angry about such trickery, then in her desire to maintain her %1-political correctness at all costs, she herself resorts to 3S-like tricks enhanced with her T-tense focus, which of course needs to be balanced by her ZSG's G-guilt of thus acting against her better self and what is of %1-value to tradition. So any disruption of those ZSG brings "progress" toward the abyss and a step further by the losers (such as Germany in World War I) to then try (1D-Hitler) to restore the zero-sum by revenge!

In the present Age of Disruption, most political systems have mutated to a stage of letting their spin doctors think about what needs to changed to keep everything the same. History is full of examples of insubstantial and small changes made seem to be big, but later were made to fall apart for business as corrupt as usual to go on. But when unforeseen forces %5-manipulate the front puppet lose control completely different political processes such as the Russion Revolution 1917 happen. Above all that occurs when wars are declared and 1S-*3-survival hopes are %6-projected as before World War I, to win them quickly. Now there are more civilized ways such as  holding referendums like about BREXIT to set up the desired new ZG-zeitgeist in view of winning more political power over the %1-politicl correctness whatever else the consequences will turn to be, unavoidably towards more disruption. Then people are told to possess FREEDOM (to give up their innate OPTION II to avoid being outcast)...

Thus I am asking: In which OPTION I trap are YOU still caught?
To what degree are you open for the
GlobalFamily II
towards LifeFulfilling Platforms; from now on
really grounded in the

Director Of essentially-synchronized Communication, Peter


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Gretchenfrage, Hinweis, für DichAnfragen:

My work ultimately aims at universities and media to get reframed by still real people beyond the zeitgeist from Courts of intellectual idolatry to LifeFulfilling Platforms; the sheople they mentally condition, to real human beings aware of their OPTION II: Lebenserfüllung